Agave: People Are Getting Duped Into Consuming this High-Fructose Sweetener

110px-Agave_attenuata_Pot_2250px This is getting downright tiring!
People, especially health-conscious folks, are often getting duped by agave. They’re being led to believe that it’s a safe sweetener.
Please, people, do NOT consume this sweetener until you read the following warning that I posted back in December 2008.

Artificial Sweeteners: Do We Need Yet Another Fake Sugar Product?

Aren’t there enough artificial sweeteners already on the market to potentially harm you?
Now Ajinomoto is seeking FDA approval for Advantame, a new sweetener that’s derived from the same amino acids as aspartame and vanillin.
Oh goodness, why do we need another aspartame-like sweetener?
Before you ingest ANY aspartame or aspartame look-alike, I urge you to do some research.
Find out about its 92 reported side effects of aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure).
Read about aspartame’s controversial approval process.

Obesity: All Americans May Become Obese by 2048? Absurd!

According to a frightening new study in the research journal Obesity , by 2048, all American adults may become overweight or obese.
A whopping 100 percent of us in the U.S. obese? What an absurd notion!
Despite the fact that the projections are based on national survey data, etc., I just don’t buy this outrageous idea. There’s just no way that all of us will allow ourselves to become fat!
Millions of us care way too much about being at optimal health, putting quality food into our bodies and getting or staying in shape to let ourselves fall prey to flab.
Just go to any gym and you’ll see the exercise-driven people, who would never let themselves become obese.
My workout buddies and any fitness enthusiast would simply scoff at this projection.
After all, every year, millions take drastic measures to peel off pounds — in particular, they buy diet products and diet books to get slim bodies. (In fact, I’m hoping that my upcoming book, The White-Out Diet(TM), will become a major bestseller. Soon, I’ll be asking you for your help to make this happen.)
What do you think of these nightmarish projections? Would you let yourself become obese?

Smoking Neighbor is Making Me Sick Just As Third-Hand Smoke Study Released

Aargh! I’m a victim of an obnoxious, self-destructive, late-night smoker!
Like clockwork, this nasty neighbor of mine lights up between 2 am and 3 am!
His or her awful habit is making me sick!
Lately, every morning, I wake up with a headache, scratchy throat and horribly sleep-deprived. (It’s tough to sleep when you’re having difficulty breathing with smoke filling your place). I’m exhausted! Now my hands are smelling of smoke!
It’s the most awful side effect after my recent move!
Yesterday, workers in my building gave me two electronic odor control/air purifying new aire, but that hasn’t helped much. I’m desperate!
Now, I’m doing research into air purifiers. I’m even considering moving again despite the fact that it would be a huge hassle!
Interesting that just as I’m dealing with the nasty, smoking neighbor, a new study came out that alerts us to the dangers of third-hand smoke! Thanks to Dr. Mercola for his take on this new study.
Hope I can find an air purifier today! This provides pretty interesting background info. In fact, right now I’m looking into the Way Healthier Home Air Purifier.
Wait! My neighbor is smoking right now! I’m so exhausted.
Does anyone have any advice for me?

High Fructose Corn Syrup Can Harm You, Like Sugar

I continue to be alarmed by the onslaught of so-called “information,” which suggests that high-fructose corn syrup is not responsible for obesity and that it’s not as bad as sugar.
In fact, I’m worried by the idea that “the tide of research, if not public opinion, has shifted,” as Elizabeth Weise suggests in a USA Today article, “New data: High-fructose corn syrup no worse than sugar.”
Get the truth, please, about the potential harms of high-fructose corn syrup, which you can learn from my two recent Gab With the Gurus Radio Shows — including this radio show, which featured several experts, and this radio show (listen to the last 15 minutes), which presented another well known expert, Dr. Richard Johnson, author of The Sugar Fix: The High Fructose Fallout That Is Making You Fat and Sick.
If you dig even a little bit into this subject, you’ll find that the average American does NOT consume moderate amounts of high-fructose corn syrup. If you’re eating or drinking prepared, processed or fast foods — which is what most Americans do — you’re taking in high amounts of the stuff. And all that HFCS can lead to numerous health problems, including heart disease, cancer, obesity and much more. (For that matter, too much sugar (or sucrose) is dangerous, too, as I reveal in my book SUGAR SHOCK!)