Check Out This Cool Calorie-Focused Site

Soon after musing yesterday about the nature of weight loss and health bloggers, I realized that I’d made a couple of glaring omissions, one of which I rectified yesterday.

My other oversight was neglecting to mention a very cool blog/website. So, today, I urge you to check out CalorieLab, the brainchild of Μark Schrimsher, who created a compelling site brimming with interesting info related to weight loss, nutrition, and obesity.

While I’m not big on counting calories — I think focusing on eating quality foods is far more important — many dieters are, so the site caters to them by including an easy-to-use calculator so you get a rough idea about how many calories you’ve burned doing particular exercises.

I’m perplexed, though, by the inclusion of a separate section devoted just to nutrition information for McDonald’s — not exactly wholesome food.

Even so, CalorieLab’s news section is worth visiting again and again. In particular, check out this fascinating posting about the diet-behavior connection, a subject dear to my heart and one that I delve into in my upcoming book, SUGAR SHOCK!

You’ll totally marvel as I did, upon reading about the guy sentenced 16 years in prison for stealing a king-sized Snickers bar. I do not kid!

Also, thanks to CalorieLab for alerting us to these two interesting articles:

  • A BBC article, "Healthy Eating Can Cut Crime," about a study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, which suggests that improving diets could be a cost-effective way to reduce both crime and the prison population.
  • An Ode magazine article, "You Do What You Eat," that also discusses the food-mood connection.

Sorry, Mark, for momentarily forgetting CalorieLab!