Follow-Up: My Harrowing Night In The ER & Ambulance Journey

Off topic again…

Yeah! Finally. despite the intense pain from accidentally almost slicing off the tip of my thumb — with the help of Pergoset — I finally slept almost 12 hours!

Actually, by light of day, the incident was funny — well, more like quite picturesque!

Me bleeding all over the place (in sink, on towel, etc.) for 1/2 hour; going in an ambulance to a hospital but paramedics bandaging me first; getting a painful tetanus shot and excrutiatingly painful anesthia shots (which made me scream!); waiting in "Urgent Care"; etc.

Good news, though — which I’ll tell you about by typing ever-so-slowly, with one hand:

  • I cut my left hand (and I’m right-handed). Phew!
  • Missed slicing through my bone (by about 1/16 of an inch)!
  • I got an experienced M.D. with 9 years’ of ER experience
  • Friends, people have been very nice to me
  • Still have one good, functioning hand (thank God)
  • The 5 stitches put my thumb back together
  • I’ll be able to still sort of work (well, tomorrow, slowly, with one hand), when pain subsides

One dramatic moment: By the time I got home, I cleaned the large knife and put it away forever!

Too much pain now… Bummer. My best friends are out of town. Uh-oh. Feeling dopey. Nap time.