French Fried Vending Machines Percolating

Soda-filled vending machines may be going by the wayside, especially in schools, but now free-standing vending machines that will fry frozen sliced potatoes on demand are popping up around the nation.

Indeed, Spain-based Patatas Chef and Tasty Fries are hoping to scoop up income from folks clamoring for the oily, processed, simple carbs.

Almost ironically, Tasty Frees installed their first patented french fry vending machine in the lobby of the Bellevue Hospital Center in New York, wryly observes CalorieLab, noting that the technological contraption is "conveniently located near to Bellevue’s Level-I trauma center in case any customer experiences an acute cardiac event while consuming the fries."

Interesting how, in looking over their websites, I could find nary a mention of nutritional information. Perhaps that’s because vitamins and nutrients are negligible.

2 thoughts on “French Fried Vending Machines Percolating

  1. Wow, that’s all we need in today’s society…a french fry vending machine. I wonder how popular they’ll be? I also wonder if they come with ketchup.

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