Hoopla for the Sugary HOOAH! Energy Bar

I confess: I don’t quite get all the hoopla over the HOOAH!, a sugar-packed performance nutrition bar developed by the U.S. military that’s now for sale to stressed-out urban warriors and harried moms.

Sure, the HOOAH! capitalizes on a clever marketing gimmick to make this energy bar stand out above all other bars.

But this snack food — whose name comes from Army jargon for "heard, understood, acknowledged" and the U.S. Marines’ "Ooo-Rah" — sounds similiar to other calorie-packed bars touted as healthy.

Am I missing something? How can this 280-calorie bar provide "healthier, steadier energy without spikes or crashes" if it contains corn syrup, fructose, maltodextrin, dextrose, raisins, dates, rice flour, barley malt extract, and more?