Judy, a KickSugar Member From Texas, Praises My Book SUGAR SHOCK!

I’m already beginning to feel gratified. People are seeing that I can help them!

Here’s what happened: Judy, a member of my free, online, international KickSugar group from Texas was eager to get her hands on a copy of my book SUGAR SHOCK!, which officially hits bookstores on Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2006.

So she ordered a copy from her local Barnes and Noble, and it arrived early. (FYI, actually, not all bookstores will do this so it’s really easiest to just pre-order your book now.) Anyhow, Judy picked up her book on Wednesday and wrote the following to KickSugar members:

"I picked up my copy today at Barnes and Noble. I have read over half of the book and am amazed at the information available in one book. So much info — and I found myself "smiling" as I read or hearing myself say, "I can relate," the more that I read. If you haven’t gotten your book, be sure and order it. You will be glad you did. Thanks.
Judy in Texas

It’s so cool that Judy was one of the very first to get a copy of my book SUGAR SHOCK! Even more exciting to me is that Judy, who is a member of my target audience, likes it so far! And I’m thrilled that she found yourself "smiling" or relating to many of the things that I wrote and quoted people saying.

That was my goal — to research and write a book which will educate, encourage and inspire you, my target audience. Of course, my mission is to HELP you break free of your debilitating sugar habit so that you can get more energy, be more cheerful, concentrate better and maybe even boost your libido.

Did you get your copy yet of SUGAR SHOCK!? You can pre-order now, and it’ll be there soon.