National School Lunch Week

Our nutrition-savvy friends at Better School Food, which is run by the hard-working Dr. Susan Rubin, inform us that this is National School Lunch Week (from Oct. 15 to 29).

Basically, National School Lunch Week is an initiative sponsored by the School Nutrition Association, which, as you can learn here, is a national, nonprofit professional organization representing more than 55,000 members providing high-quality, low-cost meals to students across the country.

Wondering how you can help out? Just join Dr. Rubin (one of Two Angry Moms), as well as other health-food supporters for a "Lunch-In" and take take your child to lunch in the school cafeteria.

Download this handy checklist and take it with you to your child’s school. As the Two Angry Moms predict, you may be surprised about what your child is being offered to eat.

Please send your stories and digital photos of lunch, both good and bad, to both and to me.

By the way, you also should check out this essay, "Searching For Food In The School Cafeteria," by Kate Adamick, a Better School Food Advisory Board Member.