Stairways to Health & a Slim Backside Like Beyoncé


Soon after the romantic drama "Love Happens" begins, renowned grief guru and bestselling author Burke Ryan (played by Aaron Eckhart)
purposefully strides up several flights of stairs to get to his hotel
room in Seattle, where he's teaching a seminar to hundreds of fans.

affinity for stairs doesn't sit well with his overweight
manager/promoter Lane Marshall (Dan Fogler), who pleads with his fit
client, "Could you please take the elevator?"

Burke ignores the
question and ascends on foot anyhow, stopping once to catch his breath
and survey the flights he's already covered and those to come.

the story unfolds (don't worry, I'm not ruining the plot) we learn
that, for Burke, there's a downside to striding stairs. In fact, taking
the stairs represents a metaphor for being stuck.

Excuse me? Exercising by climbing stairs isn't a smart habit? Not in "Love Happens."

Read the rest of this column at my new Smart Habits of Highly Successful People blog on Psychology Today.

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