Save the Date! My 4-Week Tele-Coachings Series Begins Oct. 11, 2006 To Present My 21-Day, Kick-Sugar Countdown Diet(TM)

Save the Dates: Oct. 11, 18, 25, and Nov. 1, 2006

Break Free With The 21-Day, Kick-Sugar Countdown Diet

Many of you have been besieging me with requests for a guided program to kick your sugar habit and peel off those unwanted pounds, get better moods, improve your concentration, or derive other desired benefits.

Although a number of you raved about my winter and spring tele-seminars — in which I interviewed a number of renowned experts who taught you all about sugar’s dangers — you expressed an even greater interest in a more hand-holding, step-by-step approach to taking control of your carb consumption.

So, stay tuned. I’ll post details here soon about my 4-week tele-coaching program, which is designed to help you break free of your sugar addiction.

Remember: Save the dates: Oct. 11, 18, 25, and Nov. 1.

On those four Wednesdays, I’ll teach you about The 21-Day, Kick-Sugar Countdown Diet™ that I developed, with help from numerous experts.