Stressed Out On the Job? You Could Be At Risk for Diabetes, Study Says

If you have "job burnout" but are apparently healthy, you’re still at risk for getting type 2 diabetes, researchers from Tel Aviv University discovered.

In other words, if you’re stressed out, emotionally exhausted, physically fatigued and experience "cognitivie wearniness," you better start taking better care of yourself.

"It has been suggested that stress plays a significant role in the (development) of type 2 diabetes," Dr Samuel Melamed from Tel Aviv University told Reuters Health. Dr. Melamed is lead author of a study, which appears in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.

"Emotional burnout may pose risk to health. Earlier studies have found it to be associated with cardiovascular disease risk, sleep disturbances, impaired fertility and musculoskeletal pain," the researcher continued.

"The general public should be aware that emotional burnout, in addition to its impairing quality of life, may also constitute risk to health," Dr. Melamed contends.

Well, this groundbreaking study certainly stresses how vitally important it is for our health to put into action stress management techniques such as meditating, exercising, getting ample sleep, losing weight (if necessary), and becoming assertive, when necessary, to prevent that job burnout — or at least curtail it before it becomes excessive.

Hmm. This cutting-edge resaerch sure does nudge me to become more diligent about getting enough sleep and meditating again daily, as I used to do a couple of years ago.

Thanks to the American Diabetes Association, which alerted me to this Reuters Health story about this new research study.

2 thoughts on “Stressed Out On the Job? You Could Be At Risk for Diabetes, Study Says

  1. My dad has type 1 diabetes, and most of my parents family on both sides has signs of diabetes or full blown diabetes.
    I think I’m definitely going to get it one day… to stay ahead, I usually just try to eat better and excercise daily.
    Thanks for the info, keep it up.

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