Are You Deep in Sugar Shame?

Recently, I confessed to my email list and my blog about the horrible shame in late 2012 to 2013 I felt when I clamored after carbs and gained 21 pounds after the grueling, heartbreaking, stressful Bittersweet Last Year With Mom.

When I was deep in Carb Relapse Shame (as I now call it), I hadn’t yet watched Brene Brown’s powerful TED talk about shame. Wow! If you, too, have blown your diet or done other things that make you want to crawl into a hole, this video will uplift, encourage and inspire you.

Get uplifted and encouraged now if you’re still deep in shame.

Watch the brilliant Brené Brown talk about vulnerability and shame and find out what can happen when you confront your shame head-on.

Have you, too, felt Sugar Shame or Blow-Your-Diet Shame? Have you told anyone about it yet? Share your thoughts here.

Feel free to email me, too. I’d love to hear your stories of Sugar Shame.