Sweeter Gift Ideas Submitted

Well, your tallies and ideas are in for The Sweeter Gift Challenge.

Most of you had all kinds of fun, non-sugary things you want to get or give for Valentine’s Day.

Not surprisingly, many of you liked flowers. You also liked gifts that came from the heart, especially literary ones. And a number of you mentioned hand-made coupons or gifts. While some women mentioned exotic vacations or diamonds, most women wanted just good old-fashioned romance.

Indeed, the ladies seem to thrive and desire romantic gestures — even if they’re just very simple ones like offering to do the house cleaning for the week or buying her special perfume..

Here are some of my favorite responses from women:

  • A love letter or love poem written from your honey’s heart.
  • A gift of your undivided attention for a full day.
  • A slide show of home videos or pictures of just the two of you, with background music and little messages for each scene or photo.
  • A massage by candle light.
  • A live plant with a heart-shaped balloon tied to it saying, "I love you." with a big heart shaped balloon tied to it–saying I Love You.
  • A handmade card with heartfelt thoughts.
  • Take half a day off. Meet for lunch at a really fancy restaurant.  Then treat yourself to a special day with your loved one. (This person also wanted flowers for the entire month of February!

  • Hire a handyman to tackle hubbie’s "Honey Do" list. 

  • My favorite perfume because then I will know he is paying attention — he knows my favorite.

  • Something I’ve really wanted, but haven’t purchased, but he is aware enough to know that I want this item.

  • Someone to clean the house.

  • A weekend at a bed-and-breakfast.

While guys weren’t as eager to get in on the Sweeter Gift Challenge, the ones who did were quite specific in what they wanted. In general, they voted for:

  • A massage… but not just any massage.
  • Special romantic gestures such as a Queen of Hearts card tied up with a lace bow and a request for a special date.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. Have a sweet time.