Gab With the Gurus Speed Interviewing Debuts On YouTube

I’m very excited to announce that the Gab With the Gurus Radio Show, which is hosted on BlogTalkRadio, now has a video companion.
You can now get inspired, educated and educated by watching the new Gab With the Gurus Speed Interviewing channel on YouTube.
Given all of our busy schedules — from the gurus to you — each guest will participate in what I’m calling “Speed Interviewing,” answering only two questions. This means each guest will chat for roughly 2 minutes.
The Gab With the Gurus Speed Interviews — which will feature experts in a variety of fields, including health, fitness, social media, relationships and more — are being taken on my newly purchased Flip Video. The first three gurus, whom I met at the New York Press Club Foundation 17th Annual Conference on Journalism at New York University Kimmel Center on Saturday, Sept. 26, are:

Video Coming Here Soon!

I’m so excited. Just bought the coolest Flip Video, thanks to being nudged by my new friend, Dr. Diana Kirschner, author of the bestselling book, Love in 90 Days and creator of hot YouTube videos
Stay tuned for fun video to be posted here! Get ready to be inspired, educated and entertained — at least that’s my goal.
Also, be on the lookout for videos, which I’ll post to YouTube. (That’s another great idea from Diana. Check out one of her cute dating videos below.)
What a great day! Posted by first blog entry on my new blog over at Psychology Today. Have you had a chance to read my new PT blog, Smart Habits of Highly Successful People?
Learn now about Stairways to Health & a Slim Backside Like Beyoncé.