Vitamin-Spiked Candy? Isn’t That An Oxymoron?

Oh goodness, this new sugary development has got to take the cake, if you’ll pardon the worn-out pun. Makers of chewy candies are now targeting fitness enthusiasts by stoking some of their sweet nibbles with vitamins, ginseng, caffeine, and even guarana, the Associated Press reported.

Indeed, at the recent All Candy Expo (where you certainly didn’t see me set foot!) the Jelly Belly Candy Co. of Fairfield, California introduced “Sports Beans,” which are spiked with Vitamins C and E, plus 120 milligrams of electrolytes to boost energy and prevent dehydration.

Yikes! Vitamins C, E, and electrolytes were plopped into vitamin-bereft candy?

Wait, there’s more.

BestSweet Inc. (of Mooresville, North Carolina) unveiled its new XLR8 Energy Chews, which are pumped with caffeine, ginseng, and guarana. The company even hired stock-car racing star Dale Earnhardt, Jr. to promote the sugary product.

“Over time, more and more candy will contain something of additional value, vitamins or additives,” BestSweet’s Steve Berkowitz told the AP. (Oh no, this is a sign of the times?)

Not surprisingly, nutritionists aren’t applauding this oxymoronic development. What’s more, one veteran candy-industry insider tells me that consumers of these candies can’t possibly absorb these added nutrients, because the high fructose corn syurp, corn syrup or gelatin, sugar, or modified corn starches in them will block the vitamins or minerals from being absorbed.

Some would agree that this vitamin spiking is a reaction to losing market share in recent months, due to the popularity of other other alternatives, dietary supplements, and energy bars.

But, ultimately, let’s face it, candy is candy is candy. And that means sugars galore. (For example, Jelly Belly’s Web site mentions (in very, very, very tiny type) that sugar and high fructose corn syrup are its main ingredients. Come on, a few vitamins here and there aren’t suddenly going to make junk food nutritious.