Women & Men: Understand & Celebrate Each Other with Alison Armstrong

Alison Armstrong Women, do you get baffled as to why your significant other or your would-be honey behaves a certain way?

Men, do women mightily confuse you and you just don’t know how to please them?

Fret no more!

Join us on the Gab With the Gurus Radio Show to gain an understanding and appreciation of the opposite sex.

My guest on Wed., Jan. 27 at 2 pm EST is the renowned transformational leader Alison Armstrong, creator off the acclaimed Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women and author of the fascinating books Making Sense of Men and Keys to the Kingdom, as well as the creator of the In Sync with the Opposite Sex CD and other transformative products.

Making sense of men 51Ep9Purl-L._SL500_AA240_ Remember, as with all Gab With the Gurus Radio Shows, you can listen to the show with Alison Armstrong either live or later, at your convenience.

You’ll get goodies galore on this Gab With the Gurus Radio Show.

You’ll undoubtedly be entertained, educated and motivated as Alison Armstrong shares insights and tips on how to get along with and please the opposite sex.

This radio show –will make you realize, I predict, how little you know about men or women. For instance, you will learn many things such as:

  • How most women are “frog farmers,” who turn princes into frogs. (You’ll love this fascinating concept, I’m convinced.)
  • What the biggest gifts men can give to women. (Guys, these presents are free!)
  • What 3 traits men consider appealing. (Ladies, you may be surprised.)
  • What men really mean by the phrase “high maintenance” and how most of us women completely misunderstand the concept.
  • How from the get go, as we grow up, we’ve been given false premises regarding men or women.
  • How much fun it is to appreciate the opposite sex.
  • How men seek to score points. (Ladies, you’ll love this concept, I suspect, and you’ll learn how to use this in your favor.)
  • What we ladies look for in men. (You’ll be intrigued.)
  • What drove Alison to become one of the leading experts on men with thousands of followers worldwide. (Hint: It started with a bad relationship.)
  • How many of us go-getting chicks have been acting like “men in skirts.” (Uh-oh! Mea culpa! But no more!)
  • How women on the fast track are denying their femininity and killing themselves.
  • What “feeling safe” means to women.
  • How saying heartfelt thank yous to the men in your life can work wonders in your relationship.
  • How eating sugar, white flour and drinking coffee can make you masculine.
  • And much more.

You’ll also learn how Alison’s company, PAX Programs, offers amazing programs to help you become authentic, fun, self-loving and more enticing to the opposite sex.

In Sync with the Opposite Sex 31WAJAEW92L._SL500_AA187_ Now it’s time for me to be transparent with you wonderful Sugar Shock Blog readers. Despite the fact that I’m a trained journalist, who strives for objectivity, and a life coach and health counselor, who seeks to help clients find answers themselves, I’m biased about Alison! Suffice it to say that I’m what can best be called a “groupie,” who has attended several PAX programs!

However, the reason for my enthusiasm and excitement is valid. As I’ve discovered, PAX programs offered by Alison and other trained workshop leaders are powerful, insightful, entertaining and simply life changing!

I’m in good company. Thousands of women and men around the world rave about PAX programs, including singer-songwriter Alanis Morissette, who said this:

“Alison’s deep understanding and love of men moved me
to a whole other level of clarity and peace about a gender that has
confounded me for a long time. I feel like the wool has been pulled
from my eyes and I can see men in a new and more loving way.”

Alanis Morissette, Singer-Songwriter

So do yourself a favor now!

Listen now to this eye-opening Gab With the Gurus Radio Show with Alison Armstrong.

Please feel free to spread the word and tell your friends and loved ones about this Gab With the Gurus Radio Show with Alison Armstrong. Just listen below to the show whenever you like.