Word is Spreading About My Jan. 6 Book Signing

Word is spreading! Free Events in New York City announces my Jan. 6 book signing in their latest calendar.

Then, a new friend of mine excitedly called me from the Borders at Columbus Circle yesterday, because the bookstore is now displaying and providing (to interested customers) little fliers (as they do for all book signings) with my photo and an announcement of the event.

Alas, I can’t get over to Borders just yet to check it out, because I’m home feeling cruddy. Guess getting sick was inevitable, given all my long work hours. It’s just that it’s no fun to cancel plans during this holiday  weekend. Even so, I’m getting really psyched for my big debut this week in bookstores.

Dec. 26 here we come! (I know, you’re all eagerly awaiting Christmas, but I’ve got my attention focused on the day after Xmas.