Thanksgiving Marks a “High Risk” Time to Become Overweight

Thanksgiving-703525 For many, Thanksgiving is the start of overeating unhealthy foods and packing on the pounds.

Thanksgiving marks the beginning of a “high risk” time for the
according to Holly Hull, Ph.D., lead researcher of a study, "The Effect of the Thanksgiving Holiday on Weight Gain.

“I think the number of people who only overeat at the
Thanksgiving meal is slim to none,” Dr. Hull told New York Times reporter/Well blogger Tara Parker-Pope.

“The holiday season
doesn’t represent one day of overeating. You have this period that extends through the new year where there’s more alcohol, more snacks, more finger foods and appetizers that are energy dense,” she pointed out to Parker-Pope.

Rest assured, though, you  don't need to gain weight, whether it's 1, 5 or 7 pounds. Get 3 Tips to Prevent Overeating on Thanksgiving now.

Get more tips how not to pig out on Thanksgiving.