You Can Succeed in 2007: Kick or Cut Back on Sugar and Boost Your Energy, Banish “Brain Fog,” Toss Out Your Temper Tantrums and Lose Weight To Boot

This is a follow-up to my most recent post, in which I encouraged you to read Sara McDonald’s insightful article about the role of blogs in dieting endeavor.

As you get ready for the new year, I invite you: Keep regularly visiting and writing to my SUGAR SHOCK! Blog for encouragement, inspiration, information, tips and a whole lot more.

I’m here to help you, and I just know that you can succeed next year (in 2007), beginning at 12:00 a.m. tomorrow.

Yes, Virginia, Jennifer, John, and Stephanie (or whatever your name is), you can kick (or cut back on sugar) and marvel as the benefits pile up. I daresay that you’ll experience all, if not some of these benefits — plus a lot more! You’ll:

  • Boost your energy.
  • Get along better with loved ones and not-so-loved ones.
  • Banish your "brain fog."
  • Toss out your temper tantrums.
  • Focus better.
  • Watch the pounds peel off easily.
  • Look and feel better.
  • And maybe even revv up your sex life.

Yes, indeed, shunning sugar can do all of this — or even more.

As the new year fast approaches and you get in that resolution-making frame of mine, I invite you:

  • Keep visiting here, on my SUGAR SHOCK! Blog.
  • Post comments here regularly.

Then, go ahead and:

  • Join my free, online KickSugar group, too, where you can get even more virtual support, too.

My goal is simple: I want to help you succeed in 2007.

As you look for more information, support, encouragement, and tips to succeed, I also invite you to buy my book SUGAR SHOCK! now.

Make sure to check out Part 6 — the self-help section entitled, "Pull the Plug on SUGAR SHOCK! For A Happier, Healthier Life," which begins on page 275. "

Sugar Shock!: How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life-- and How YouCan Get Back on Track

One thought on “You Can Succeed in 2007: Kick or Cut Back on Sugar and Boost Your Energy, Banish “Brain Fog,” Toss Out Your Temper Tantrums and Lose Weight To Boot

  1. Connie, so glad to bump into you again(I was on Jill Baron and your teleclass this year). Congrats on your new book and I look forward to being on the call on Jan 17 with you, Alex and Dr Sinatra. I may even have some bonus gifts to add.
    The best of health and abundance and more to you in 2007!

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