Is Britney Spears Relying On Wine, Diet Pills & Cigarettes to Peel Off Pounds? Or Is She Dancing Off the Post-Birth Weight?

Oh goodness, it seems every few weeks, we hear about another actress or singer, desperate to peel off pounds, ready to follow a foolhardy diet.

Lately, the dieting-diva-rumor spotlight has fallen on 24-year-old Britney Spears. The singing sensation is allegedly pursuing a "diet" — if you want to call it that — of cigarettes, wine, and diet pills to lose weight after giving birth to her second son, Sutton Pierce Federline, by Caesarean section in early December. So says The

Naturally, being a bona fide trained journalist — I have a master’s in journalism and have written for many real news outlets — I take all this "reporting" with a huge dose of skepticism. But the rumor mills are grinding. There also was some talk of her having a tummy tuck. And discussion centered around her dancing off the weight. (The latter’s a better option, in my opinion.)

You have to feel some sympathy for these overly scrutinized celebs, whose bodies are inspected with nary a dose of compassion. (C’mon, the best of us common folks gain a few pounds here and there. And, certainly women giving birth should be afforded some understanding.)

Anyhow, back in spring 2002, more stories surfaced about Britney’s alleged weight woes, including the fact that her tour photos were reportedly touched up and that she was too keen on the carbs. That led to reports on that she was limiting the carbs.

What is it about celebs and crummy diets? For instance, recently, as I pointed out here, singer Beyonce  — who was getting ready for her "Dreamgirls" role — admitted to the folly of following a maple-syrup-laden diet. (Of course, she spoke against it after she’d gone on the suspiciously nutrient-deprived diet.).

And almost a year ago I told you about "Red Eye" actress Rachel McAdams — who was clearly ignorant on nutrition — claimed that her maple-syrup habit kept the weight off. Both incidents forced me to turn to the experts, who revealed the dangers of such a routine.

In my opinion, if you want to lose weight in a healthy way, it’s best to curtail or cut out those culprit carbs.

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