Delay to Conquer Sugar, Caffeine & Other Unhealthy Cravings

Often, readers of my book SUGAR SHOCK!, participants in my Break Free programs or fans on Facebook want to know, “How do I kick sugar, caffeine or other bad habits? This is so hard!”
I feel empathy, compassion and sadness for these people, because at varying times in my life, I’ve been there myself, battling a host of bad habits, including addiction to sugar, refined carbs, diet soda, coffee, cigarettes and sugar-less gum.
Over the years, I’ve developed numerous tactics to conquer counter-productive routines, but in 1998, while quitting sweets and refined carbs on doctor’s orders, I came up with my best techniques.
In my book SUGAR SHOCK!, I share my Top 21 Sweet Sugar-Free Success Secrets and Strategies (plus a few more). Now, I’d like to share one tactic, which can be effective to help you conquer sugar, caffeine and other unhealthy cravings. Here’s an article I wrote to help you learn this invaluable technique.
Just Delay to Squash Your Sugar, Caffeine & Other Unhealthy Cravings
Creatively Procrastinate Your Way Out of Your Addictions
By Connie Bennett, M.S.J., C.H.H.C.
Quite often, people who want to kick sugar, curtail caffeine, stop drinking diet soda, lose weight or manage their diabetes ask me: “How can I conquer my cravings for these substances? Once I start, I just can’t help myself.”
One of the most powerful and potent strategies is so simple that you’ll wonder why you never tried it in the first place. Simply DELAY before you do anything – especially something that you’ll later regret.
Think about it: Most of us are pretty darn good at delaying or procrastinating, right?
You know how you keep putting off organizing your desk drawers, cleaning the house, giving your boss that proposal, helping your kids with their homework, donating old clothes or taking out the garbage? Clearly, we all have things we’ve been planning on doing but never got around to doing.
While quitting a bad habit such as a sugar addiction, I’ve found that you can actually transform delaying into something that’s fun, clever and positive. In other words, procrastinating can be a good thing — even wonderful.