Outrage Over Obesity & Overcoming It

Looks like I hit on a very sensitive subject by my rather opinionated, outraged defense of the New Hampshire doctor, whose blunt remarks to his fat patient prompted her to file a complaint against him.

I blasted this woman, because I felt that blaming her doctor for being honest was absurd and a complete cop out.

Granted, we’ve only heard the New Hampshire Leader’s side of the story (which present’s the doctor’s version), but if a patient can’t handle being told, "You’re fat; lose weight or you’ll get diabetes, etc.," then she needs to get HELP! And now!

Even so, thanks to Cici, for bringing me down to size, so to speak.  She touches upon the anguish that can confront people with weight issues.

I appreciate your honesty, Cici, for saying, "I am an obese person and have been treated with contempt by doctors who know less about obesity than I do. Obese people are despised in general. People kill themselves over it. Do you really think we are just not motivated? Maybe if people keep telling us how unattractive we are, we will stop being so lazy and weak-willed."

If I came off as unsympathetic, I do apologize profusely.

You’re absolutely right, Cici — it is NOT nice how obese people are treated. I don’t know that they’re despised, as you suggest, but they’re definitely sneered at and looked down upon. (I’ve been with rude people, who made the most horrific, condemning statements if a fat person walked by, and I simply stood there, aghast.)

Cici — and anyone else who’s overweight or obese — please know that I do understand the allure of food during trying times. I’ve had my own food issues over the years, including a bout long ago with eating disorders, but where I recognized and sought the treatment and help that I needed.

And this is where I get downright pissed off.

I find it annoying — perhaps even disgusting — for an obese person to take a "woe-is-me" attitude.

Almost anyone (barring some difficult medical issues) can lose weight.

Thus, I stand by my comments that this fat woman had no business getting her blunt doctor in trouble — again, that’s if the newspaper presented an accurate assessment of the situation.

My advice to her (and to anyone who’s obese) is this (for whatever it’s worth):

If you’re obese, I suspect that it’s because you’re using food in unhealthy ways. I can relate. So can millions of Americans.

It’s easy to turn to doughnuts if your co-worker annoys you. It’s easy to down potato chips if your loved one lets you down. And it’s easy to polish off a pint (or more) of chocolate ice cream if you’re having a bad day and your cravings overcome you.

But, if you’re fat or getting fat, please, I urge you: Own up to your reality. Admit you have a problem. Then decide where you want to be a few years from now.

Do you want to live? Do you want a happy, healthy, fulfilling life? If so, then you have to start taking action.

If you’re obese and feel so alone, then by all means, seek some help — be it psychological or medical.

Millions of Americans are just like you. Some (like I once was) put too much emphasis on eating sugar and sweet things. Others can’t get enough of processed pasta and other simple carb things. Others find fatty foods more alluring.

I’m not saying that it’s easy to lose weight. There’s no disputing that it can be a huge challenge. But if you surround yourself with others suffering similarly, your chances of succeeding vastly improve.

Look, you might have some very real emotional reasons for your obesity. But try to get at the roots of your situation. Are you fat, because you eat too much or do you have a medical situation over which you have no control? Are you fat, because you can’t handle your emotions?

Tons of support groups exist around the country. Perhaps this woman’s doctor never told her about Overeaters Anonymous, Weight Watchers or eating disorder groups. If so, he should have. It’s no fun to lose weight or to get over an eating disorder all by your lonesome.

But, come on, take charge of your life and weight.

And by all means, don’t blame your doctor for being blunt and telling you to lose weight. He’s merely trying to save your life!

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