Sugar Power? Sony Makes a Battery Fueled By the Sweet Stuff

Note from Connie: We’ve told you before about the fact that sugar-powered batteries are being developed, but now it sounds like it’s actually going to go on the market sometime in the near future.

My research assistant Jennifer Moore found an interesting item on the National Confectioners Association’s website, which reported that the Japanese entertainment conglomerate Sony has created a prototype of a sugar-fueled battery that can power a music player and two speakers. She tells you about it.

To make the "bio battery" work, you’d pour a sugar solution into it, where enzymes break down the sugar and generate electricity.

Sony says it’s an environmentally friendly battery, too, since it gets its power from a natural substance grown all over the world. But it’s not available for sale yet, and as far as we know, Sony hasn’t announced the date.

Jennifer Moore for SUGAR SHOCK! Blog