Feel Special & Enrich Your Life With True Love – Guest Blog Post

You can enrich and energize your life with true love rather than sugar.
You can feel so rewarded and fulfilled in a marriage or committed relationship that those quickie carbs completely lose their allure.
With proactive techniques that you’ll learn here, love can fill you up, not an empty, tragic sugar addiction that you need to frequently re-fuel with empty-calorie, health-harming carbs.
Today’s special blog post is for single ladies (never-married, divorced or widowed) — or even unsatisfied married women — who long for fulfilling, amazing true love with a remarkable, adoring man.
The author of this post is the charming, long-married, personable psychologist Dr. Diana Kirschner, the bestselling author of Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love.
Dr. Diana, who gave you many helpful tips on my Gab With the Gurus Radio Show last Tuesday, reminisces here about her early days as a child when her mom used sugar as love. Then, she offers you tangible guidelines to find and keep true love. (She wrote this post especially to help you, because we ran into each other and became friends this past weekend at a wonderful Book Publishing 2.0.program.
This is a rare treat to get a special Sugar Shock Blog post from Dr. Diana, who is a media darling. The friendly therapist/bestselling author has appeared on Oprah, The Today Show and recently The Mike and Juliet Show, where she ran a 90-day Love Challenge. (Sure enough, Amelia, the love mentee, did find someone.) So here’s Dr. Diana’s post:
Feel Special & Enrich Your Life with Fulfilling, Nurturing True Love — Not Unfulfilling, Unsatisfying Sugar by Dr. Diana Kirschner, the bestselling author of Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love.
When I was a child, my mother often showed her love by secreting me away from my other siblings and sharing a cookie, a piece of cake or candy just with me. In fact, she stressed that she was sharing it with me because I was so special. I certainly felt special—even though the sugary love drug usually made me sick to my stomach. (Ring a bell?)