Gratitude Lifts You Up

People often want to know: What’s the best way to overcome a sugar addiction, a bad mood or another challenging situation?
One of the best ways to get out of your funk is to begin with an attitude of gratitude.
Why should you be grateful?
Learn about the wonders of being thankful on my Gratitude Week radio shows.
During these five shows, you’ll hear from 21 experts, who shared insights on the miraculous powers of gratitude.
Listen now to Gratitude Week’s five shows with21 different experts.

Grateful to be Alive! My July 4th Accident

Gratitude I’m so grateful that I’m alive today, writing to you.
That’s because on July 4th, I had a frightening, close encounter with a glass window that I never realized was even there.
More specifically, without knowing it, I ran headlong into a large piece of glass, because it wasn’t covered with a decorative decal such as these, these or these.
Right now, I’m still a bit shaken up.
Plus, my hand is still sore — somehow, in the middle of my accident, it got split open.
And my face demonstrates that I got too friendly with a piece of glass.
But right now, I’m determined to keep an attitude of gratitude.
It could have been much, much worse!
My accident could have killed me. I could be in emergency care right now, battling for my life.
The glass could have shattered, with shards splitting open my face rather than just have a few bruises and bang-ups from my sunglasses. My hand could have been cut up a lot more than it was.
Anyhow, I’m grateful to be alive and relatively intact, even if it’s difficult to type right now.
Also, now that I’m so glad to be alive, I’d like tell you how grateful to you, dear readers. Thank you for your readership, support and connection.
I do hope that my close encounter with a piece of glass will inspire you to think about how grateful you are, too, for many things.
I invite you to listen now to last week’s Gab with the Gurus Radio Show about gratitude with Stephanie Gunning.
Listen to internet radio with Gab With the Gurus on Blog Talk Radio.

Thanksgiving: How Not to Pig Out

People often wonder how to make it through Thanksgiving without pigging out on sweets and quickie carbs and going into sugar shock.
They don’t want to wake up having gained weight, feeling fuzzy-headed and moody.
Just think: Wouldn’t it be nice to feel happy and self assured that you didn’t cave into those candied yams, pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes?
So today’s Tip of the Week will offer you three simple tactics to put into action at your Thanksgiving meal:
1. Imagine What If… Just think about how you’ll feel the day after Thanksgiving if you allowed yourself to have some “treats. Would you feel angry and disappointed at yourself? Would you lose self-respect? Would you feel discouraged that you couldn’t control yourself? My clients say that all of the above emotions would hit them—and hard. So before you put those Thanksgiving “goodies” into your mouth, just “Imagine What If…”