Tips on Treating Instead of Tricking Yourself on Halloween

Just a quick reminder.

Halloween does NOT have to mean that you eat or horde candy, cookies and other sweets that could send your blood sugar levels soaring and put you into SUGAR SHOCK! There are two things to consider tonight.

1. First off, what are you going to give out to all those trick-or-treaters ringing your doorbell?

Please don’t give out candies, cookies and other sweets. They’ll be getting enough of that crap tonight! Why not try something different? Try giving out some non-food "treats" and little toys or party favors, which I suggested here previously?

Read about this fascinating study, which showed many kids were happy NOT getting sweets. If you have to give out food, why not pass out small bags of nuts, raisins or even packaged dried apples? They’re certainly better than sweets.

2. How are you going to take care of yourself to make sure you don’t binge or pig out on Halloween junk?

Here are some ideas to keep you focused tonight.

  • Please make sure to keep some healthy foods with you at all times, particularly if you go out with your kids when they trick-or-treat. For instance, you could bring with you some almonds or other nuts (if you’re not allergic, of course); sunflower seeds; some soy chips (just salted); a hard boiled egg with a whole-grain cracker (see my new, complimentary Sugarfree Shopper’s Guide for some sugarfree brands) or some non-fat plain yogurt seasoned with cinnamon and nutmeg. Just make sure to have some foods ready ahead of time. If you’re yearning for something sweet and tasty, just keep handy some apple slices, pieces of jicama, red peppers, baby carrots or other vegetables. Even dried fruits wouild be better than eating refined sugars.
  • Have a plan of action if you feel weak on will power. Have a friend or relative (ore more) on tap to call if you feel tempted — but make sure to set this up in advance.
  • Make a list NOW about how you think you’ll feel if you slip and eat a bunch of calorie-filled, nutrition-lacking junk. Keep that list with you at all times.
  • Make another list of how you’ll feel if you eat right tonight. Keep that list with the previous list.
  • Write down an affirmation ahead of time to keep with you at all times. (You can create your own, which will make it more powerful, but it could be something like, "I, Connie, feel great about myself because I eat healthily tonight and all nights." Of course, substitute your own name.)
  • When feeling sorely tempted, just delay 5 minutes, then another 5, then another 5.
  • If you can, write to us here if you’re struggling.
  • You could floss or brush your teeth if you’re having a tough time.
  • And feel free to join my free, online KickSugar group and discuss your situation there, too.
Remember, Halloween only comes once a year. But if you pig out tonight on crap, you could feel repercussions that last much longer.

I do hope this helps those of you trying to stay away from sweets.

Special thanks to Myra, the assistant moderator in my free, online KickSugar group, for her continued support to members there (when I’m otherwise engaged) to help them say sugarfree.

If you’re worried about tonight (or other nights), join my free, online KickSugar group now.