Do You Get Crazy Cravings Too?

You know how absolutely awful it feels to be in the stranglehold of an overpowering craving to eat—or, rather scarf— a certain bad-for-you nonfood?

crazy cravings

Do you often feel like a hamster trapped on a spinning wheel—and against your will, you’re driven this urgent, burning, panicky need to shovel that edible junk food into your mouth now?

And do you find that you can’t stop thinking or fantasizing about your favorite donut, popcorn or [other trigger food]?

Even worse, do those junk foods keep calling out to you? (Or at least, that’s what it feels like.)

Do the enticing-looking, savory-smelling goodies seem to beckon you, pleading “E-a-t me, e-a-t me?”

Throw stress into the mix, and you have a disastrous recipe for bingeing on unhealthy foods loaded with sugar, fat or salt.

Then, add your time of month or time of life, grief, challenges with your honey or mother, work woes or other compelling reasons, and danger is on the way.

In short, do you get “possessed”—or so it feels—by what I call Crazy Cravings™?

There’s no need for you to suffer anymore. I’m here to bring you help every week. Welcome to Cravings-Crushing Monday…

Crazy Cravings are the SINGLE Biggest Hurdle to Health & Weight-Loss Success

Why am I doing Cravings-Crushing Mondays?

Four years ago, when I was walloped by my own Crazy Cravings four years ago (after a particularly traumatic time), it hit me hard.

Crazy Cravings are the single biggest hurdle to weight-loss success.

Just ask anyone seeking to shed excess pounds and she or he will unleash a torrent of complaints about overpowering, can’t-ignore, cravings for fiber-stripped, sugary, fatty or salty snacks and “treats.”

Typically, the whine goes like this:

“I always promise myself to go on a diet, eating only healthy, slimming foods.

“I start out with a bang. I’ll be ‘good’ for a day, a week or even several months.

“Then, suddenly one day—usually when I pass a donut shop, fast-food joint or candy store and I’m dealing with stress, frustration or that time of month—one sight of the goodies in the shop window and a whiff of the sweet aroma sends me dashing inside.

“I then become `possessed’ by an urgent need for a sweet roll or [fill in the name of your biggest trigger food]. I feel that it’s calling out to me!

“Pretty soon, I’ll zone out, mindlessly polish off one, two, three or more of [put in your trigger food], and I just can’t stop. Within days, weeks or months, I’ve gained five, 20, 40 pounds.

“It’s awful. I feel so out of control. I hate being a slave to my Crazy Cravings!”

Darn—or, if you like it, add your preferred expletive here—those Crazy Cravings can derail the most well-intentioned of us.

When our sudden, unpredictable Crazy Cravings take hold of us, our best-planned diet intentions can quickly slide down a gutter as if they were misbehaving bowling balls.

But you don’t have to be at the mercy of your Crazy Cravings…

It’s time to take charge, and I’ll be here all year on Cravings-Crushing Mondays to give you fast, convenient information and tools to whip out at a moment’s notice in our fast, convenience-driven world.

What are Cravings-Crushing Mondays?

Since many people blow their diets over the weekend and plan to get back to healthy eating the first day of the week, I’m presenting Cravings Crushing Mondays.

Every week in 2016, you’ll get fast, convenient, science-backed tips, tools and pointers so you can easily eat clean despite our fast, convenience-driven culture.