Ellen Degeneres Ditches Sugar! She Invites You to Join Her!

Ellen_degeneres 2 Did you hear the sugar news?

The talented TV talk show host/comedian Ellen DeGeneres announced on her show today that she is ditching sugar!

Congratulations, Ellen, for making such a smart decision to boost your energy and improve your health!

Rather than tell you what she said, I’ll let you watch Ellen’s humorous announcement below. As you’ll soon learn, Ellen can make kicking sugar funny! She’s a hoot!

Here’s my challenge to you! Join Ellen in her kick-sugar adventure!

She even tells you that she’s seeking company. Apply here now to get on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Please tell the producers that Connie Bennett, author of SUGAR SHOCK! referred you, and feel free to suggest that they bring me on her show, too. : )

Check back here for updates about Ellen’s kick-sugar adventure.

One thought on “Ellen Degeneres Ditches Sugar! She Invites You to Join Her!

  1. Good that Ellen Degeneres Ditches Sugar. Then she could bring to light the fact that our Government Subsidizes with billions of Dollars to makers of High Fructose Corn Syrup with mercury to be put in almost all processed foods and poison the people and make them sick, overweight, have cancer and heart problems just to name a few. As a retired Chef, I volunteer and teach healthy cooking at the cancer awareness center in Alamogordo NM. Please have everyone read the labels and if it has High Fructose Corn Syrup written on it, put it back, write the company and your Senator.

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