Press Room – Wireless Flash News

Press room for Sugar Shock!

(Berkley Books)

Thursday, February 9, 2006

Valentines Day Candy Leaves Sour Taste In Mouth Of Ex-Sugar Junkie

NEW YORK (Wireless Flash) Avoid giving your honey some sugar on Valentines Day unless you want a crabby, lethargic mess on your hands.

Connie Bennett, an anti-sugar advocate who runs the online support group, insists candy and chocolates are not ideal gifts for Valentines Day.

Bennett says theres a segment of the population that sugar can turn into moody, irritable witches, souring even the best intentions on Valentines Day.

She says a lot of folks arent even aware sugar has this type of hold on them.

Even worse, Bennett says, some people who consistently eat sweets are more prone to a decreased libido.

In Bennetts words, Who wants to hang out with someone wiped out on Valentines Day?

According to Bennett, those whom shes surveyed on what theyd like in lieu of candy say theyd rather get poems than sweets from their sweetie.

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Rachel McAdams Maple Syrup Diet Sours Health Experts
Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Rachel McAdams Maple Syrup Diet Sours Health Experts
Tuesday, September 6, 2005

NEW YORK (Wireless Flash) Red Eye actress Rachel McAdams is dishing out diet advice that is tough to swallow for one fitness author.

In a recent survey, McAdams revealed she stays slim by drinking maple syrup
until she’s so hyper she runs around like crazy to burn off the calories.

That leaves a bad taste in the mouth of Connie Bennett, author of the yet-to-
be-published book “Sugar Shock!” because she says drinking maple syrup over time
will lead to a blood sugar imbalance — and a crash bigger than anything
in “The Wedding Crashers.”

And some 250 doctors she interviewed for the book agree — like one M.D. who says
a diet top-heavy in simple carbohydrates can easily lead to a pancreatic
insufficiency and/or insulin resistance — forerunners of diabetes.

As Bennett sums it up: ‘Telling people to drink maple syrup isn’t good diet
advice. It’s a recipe for health woes galore.'”