Lowest Low-Carb Vegetables and Fruits

vegetables While doing some research for my next book, Break Free of Your Sugar Addiction in 6 Weeks — you can join the teleseminar/webinar program here), I came across a fascinating site from dlife.com, which reveals The 25 Lowest Low-Carb Fruits and Vegetables.

Check out the Nutrition in Every Hue chart, where you also can learn about the many nutrient and benefits you get from your favorite multi-colored fruits and vegetables.

You may be surprised to learn what the lowest low-carb fruit is. (Go here so I don’t spoil the surprise.)

Check out the low-carb value of such fruits and vegetables as:

  • Watermelon
  • Arugula
  • Strawberries
  • Cucumbers
  • Cantaloupes
  • Broccoli
  • Avocado
  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Honeydew melon
  • Celery

fruits I was happy to find my favorite fruit, apple, is # 17 on the list an apple with its skin contains only 7g of carbs in a 50-gram portion.

As dlife.com tells you, “To help you visualize a rough idea of what amounts to a 50 gram portion, here are some examples: 10 grapes, 1/3 of a medium sized peach, 1/2/ cup chopped celery, or 2 extra long spears of asparagus.”

Check out the dlife.com PDF now or just visit the site.

This material is adapted from: The Best Life Guide to Managing Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes by Bob Greene; John J. Merendino Jr., M.D.; and Janis Jibrin, M.S., R.D.