Today and every day, for that matter, I’d like to invite you to activate your gratitude. But rather than do it one day of the year (Thanksgiving) on the national holiday of Thanksgiving, tap into thankfulness before every bite you take.

Here in the United States, today is Thanksgiving.
In fact, I invite you to glut yourself with thankfulness, not food, today and every day.
Of course, many religions say grace before a meal.
You may have a favorite phrase, but since I’m here to help you whatever your religious conviction, I invite you to choose a phrase that has meaning for you.
Or if you want, simply say, “Thank you.”
Again, your goal is to say thanks for more than just a meal.
Really feel grateful for that turkey, the Brussel sprouts or even that pecan pie. (Just make sure that if you do eat sweets, you savor each and every bite while feeling thankful. (And while you’re at it, try to gratitude-eat your way through just three bites.)
Practice this at your Thanksgiving feast today. Feel grateful for each and every meal and snack. And feel appreciation before every bite.
By the way, I’m not suggesting that you express gratitude out loud each time. Just do it inwardly.
Easy, right?
That’s my goal: To bring you super-simple tactics to keep you happy, healthy, and mindful.
Today, I just want to tell you how grateful I am for you, dear reader.
Now pass along the gratitude.
Please share this super-simple tactic with everyone you like, love, or appreciate.
A very special thanks to Pixabay for this very cool, free photo!