Exercise is Vital to Control Type 2 Diabetes

This is nothing new but thanks to the American Diabetes Association, I learned about a new research review suggests that if you have type 2 diabetes and you exercise, you stand a better chance of managing your disease.

This certainly sounds like the definitive word, because researchers looked at a whopping 103 studies and found clear, convincing evidence that if you get off your butt and engage in physical activity and you have type 2 diabetes, you will gain better control of your blood sugar.

Even though diet and meds may be needed, too, you’ll get better benefits if you work out.

This is something that has been confirmed many times by various researchers and physicians specializing in the disease.

These new findings "could mean that it is easier for people to focus on one thing at a time," lead study author Dr. Vicki Conn said in a statement.

"It is easy for people to get overwhelmed when asked to make too many changes."

Dr. Conn and her colleagues at the University of Missouri-Columbia report the findings in the journal Diabetologia.

One thought on “Exercise is Vital to Control Type 2 Diabetes

  1. Exercise is vital for controlling type 2 diabetes IF you eat lots of carbs, like the ADA advises. I can control my BGLs without any exercise at all if I watch the amounts and types of carbs I eat closely enough.
    During the warmer months, I get some exercise, but during the cold months when my osteoarthritis makes movement difficult, I keep my BGLs at a nondiabetic level with my low carb diet alone.

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