Food Diary Time: Soul-Searching Food Journal™ to Help You Now

food diary

At the end of the day, have you completely lost track of what you ate? Are you at a loss as to what sweets, culprit carbs or fatty snacks you’ve put in your mouth? Do you wonder why you’re packing on the pounds or feeling sluggish and unfocused?

Well, research shows that if you keep a food journal, you stand a greater chance of losing weight and achieving better health.

10 a.m.   _______________________________________________________________
10 a.m.   _______________________________________________________________

11 a.m.   _______________________________________________________________
11 a.m.   _______________________________________________________________

12 noon  _______________________________________________________________
12 noon  _______________________________________________________________

1 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________
1 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________

2 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________
2 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________

3 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________
3 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________

4 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________
4 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________

5 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________
5 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________

6 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________
6 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________

7 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________
7 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________

‘8 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________
8 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________

9 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________
9 p.m.     _______________________________________________________________

10 p.m.   _______________________________________________________________
10 p.m.   _______________________________________________________________

11 p.m.   _______________________________________________________________
11 p.m.   _______________________________________________________________

12 a.m.   _______________________________________________________________
12 a.m.   _______________________________________________________________

1 a.m.     _______________________________________________________________
1 a.m.     _______________________________________________________________

2 a.m.     _______________________________________________________________
2 a.m.     _______________________________________________________________

3 a.m.     _______________________________________________________________
3 a.m.     _______________________________________________________________

4 a.m.     _______________________________________________________________
4 a.m.     _______________________________________________________________

5 a.m.     _______________________________________________________________
5 a.m.     _______________________________________________________________

6 a.m.      _________________________________________________________________
6 a.m.      _________________________________________________________________


What low nutrient (unhealthy) foods and drinks (with sugar, refined carbs, salt, artificial sweeteners) did I have today?____________________________________________________________________

many times today did I have these low-caliber non-foods? ______________________________________________________________________________

How did I feel afterward? ___________________________________________________________

What were the most healthy foods and drinks I had today?________________________________

How did I feel immediately afterward? ________________________________________________

How did I feel 2 hours later?________________________________________________________

How did I feel 4 hours later?________________________________________________________

How much water did I have today?  __________________________________________________

When were my low points of the day (what time?) _______________________________________

What were my high points? ________________________________________________________

exercise did I do today?

  • Aerobic (What kind and how
  • Resistance Training (What kinds and how
    long?) ___________________________
  • Any other exercise ___________________________________________________

When did I feel best today? Why? ______________________________________________

When did I feel worst today? Why? _____________________________________________

What were my physical symptoms, if any? (Headaches, low energy, difficulty concentrating, etc.?)  _________________________________________________________________________

What were my main emotions? How did I feel emotionally? (Sad, frustrated, lonely, angry, etc.?) _________________________________________________________________________

Did I ever eat when I wasn’t hungry? When? Why? _________________________________________________________________________

How did I get along with my loved ones and co-workers? Explain.


I embarrass myself today or behave in a way I was not proud – in other
words, was I moody, crabby, angry, irrational, short-fused, etc? Specify. (You’re just watching yourself compassionately. So know that It’s OK you acted these ways — knowing how food
affects you is the first step to becoming more calm.)


Was I a zombie at any time today? What did I do to pep myself up?


What trends did I notice as to which certain foods affect me? ____________________________

What new healthy foods did I try today? _____________________________________________

there any trigger situations in which I found myself?

I trapped in any situations by saboteurs (whether intentional or not?)
What happened?

are my biggest obstacles today to my leading a clean, sugar-free,
artificial-sweetener-free, low-salt life?

Did I feel deprived today? How so? ____________________________________________________

If I ate sugar or refined carbs: What did that do for me? _____________________________________

Did it really work? (Honesty!) __________________________________________________________

is my tricky time of day? Why? Where am

did I bring sweetness into my life today? In other words, did treat myself in non-sugar way(s) today?

How can I treat myself tomorrow in non-food ways? _________________________________________

What food(s) agreed with me least? _____________________________________________


What food(s) agreed with me most? _____________________________________________


What can I do differently tomorrow? ______________________________________________

How can I put a positive spin on what I did today? What’s are today’s 2 or 3 most important lessons/blessings?


Copyright, Connie Bennett & Stop Sugar Shock, 2010. The Soul
Searching Food Journal™ . Feel free to share this with others, but please
include this entire entry and the fact that it first appeared on the
Sugar Shock Blog. Join me the Facebook page for Smart Habits Fans and share your experience using this. (