I’m pleased to announce that my upcoming book, I Blew My Diet! Now What?, has been garnering a bit of attention with awards, favorable reviews, and an interview with me. Here’s a peek:

- Kirkus Reviews
- Authors Reading
- Online Book Club
- Reader Views (5 stars)
- Readers’ Favorite (5 stars)
- Literary Titan (5 stars)
- Book Below
- Indies Today (5 stars)
“With this book, Bennett describes how she pulled herself out of her junk food nosedive while offering readers a roadmap to curbing their own self-destructive eating habits. She gets not just at the 'what' of an unhealthy diet—the usual suspects of sugars, carbs, and highly processed foods—but the
‘why.” Why do we blow our diets? Why do we eat to assuage negative feelings? Why do we take comfort in foods that make us so uncomfortable?“

In Other Book Developments:
- Authority Today interview
- Advance reader review on Barnes and Noble
This just in…
Exciting!!!! Just found out… Received a Gold Award for my book from Reader Views.