Julia Cameron: Dishes Effective Tips on How Writing Can Help you Lose Weight

If you are have been facing a losing battle of the bulge, you have to listen to today’s Gab With the Gurus Radio Show, during which renowned creativity expert and award-winning writer Julia Cameron offered the most exciting, effective tips.

Julia — who, for about a decade, has been one of my mentors (she didn’t know it) — has come up with seven groundbreaking, yet simple techniques to lose weight. The first has to do with what she calls "Morning Pages," where, as she puts it, "you simply move your hand across the page and write whatever thought comes into your head."

This tool, which she characterizes as "the bedrock of creative recovery," will "challenge you, enrich you, and envliven you." And writing Morning Pages, she predicts, can actually help you to become the right size for you. In fact, this unexpected weight loss occurred with many of her clients over the years.

Listen now to today’s exciting interview with Julia Cameron on the Gab With the Gurus Show now.

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