Is Sitting Killing You?

Do you, like millions, sit for hours and hours?

Up until yesterday, I was one of those, who sat far too much.

You see, I’m writing this blog post while swaying my hips, doing squats, balancing on one foot after another, and/or dancing to cool music in front of my new awesome Standing Desk in my new place.

Bye-bye, back pain! Hello, happier, healthier, slimmer body.

No more sitting for hours on end while in the flow writing books, talks and blog posts.

You see, for all my intentions to be healthy and active, I’ve been naughty for years.

All that sitting has injured my back twice — we’re talking major pain — while I’ve been on deadline for my books, Sugar Shock and Beyond Sugar Shock.

Do you sit a lot as I did until quite recently?

If so, you need to learn about the deadly consequences.

Sitting can shorten your life — even if you exercise.

[shareable cite=”Connie Bennett re Sedentary Study”]The longer you sit, the sooner you die.[/shareable]

Yes, a recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that there’s a direct relationship between time people spent sitting and their risk of early mortality, according to the researchers, who studied nearly 8,000 adults.

In short, the researchers found that as your total sitting time increases, so does your risk of an early death.

Or, to put it more bluntly, the longer you sit, the sooner you die.

The scientists concluded:  “Both the total volume of sedentary time and its accrual in prolonged, uninterrupted bouts are associated with all-cause mortality, suggesting that physical activity guidelines should target reducing and interrupting sedentary time to reduce risk for death.”

So will you join me? Let’s sit less and move more together.

Spread the word! Join the Sit Less, Move More Movement.