Wondering what I mean by the phrase SUGAR SHOCK? As you may be able to guess, I’ve given this considerable thought over the course of five years, while working on my book SUGAR SHOCK!

Below, you’ll find the definition that I’ve developed. Bear in mind that this is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, including some one-quarter to one-half of the U.S. population.

SUGAR SHOCK!™ – A mood-damaging, personality-bending, health-destroying, confusion-creating constellation of symptoms affecting millions of peoople worldwide, who often turn to processed sweets and much-like-sugar carbs, which send their blood sugar levels wildly soaring and plummeting.

The term SUGAR SHOCK! is intended to encompass the often-misdiagnosed and maligned condition of reactive hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), as well as other blood sugar disorders, from insulin resistance to diabetes.

Considerable research reveals that repeatedly overconsuming sweeteners, dessert foods, and culprit, quickie carbs (such as white rice, French bread, chips, etc.) wreaks havoc on your blood sugar levels, overstimulates insulin release, triggers inflammation, and could contribute to more than 150 health problems, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome, severe PMS, failing memory, depression, mental confusion or "brain fog," mood swings, Candida, sexual dysfunction, infertility, wrinkles, acne, and early aging.

Victims of SUGAR SHOCK! also may experience such baffling symptoms as excessive fatigue,  headaches, dizziness, cold sweats, anxiety, irritability, tremors, crying spells, drowsiness or the opposite (sleeplessness), forgetfulness, heart palpitations, nightmares, blurred vision, muscle pains, temper outbursts, suicidal thoughts, and more.

Ultimately, this insidious SUGAR SHOCK! roller-coaster effect brought on by eating too many inferior carbs hampers sufferers’ ability to function at full throttle–or even half throttle.

2 thoughts on “SUGAR SHOCK! Defined

  1. I made myself so sick on candy at Halloween I swore I would never eat it again. I spent this past week reading an excellent diet book and stayed away from junk and was feeling great. Then I got thrown off my schedule started eating carbs, couldn’t sleep, ate more sugar because I was so tired but wired. I feel like a total loser. I just finished off a whole pack of red licorice. HELP!

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