SUGAR SHOCK! Is Listed on

I just learned that my labor of love — i.e., my book SUGAR SHOCK! — has been listed on the influential website. Now that’s pretty exciting!

In case you’re wondering, is billed as "A look at the books, must-haves and favorite things as seen on The Oprah Winfrey Show, O At Home and O, The Oprah Magazine."

Art_roizen_and_oz_im_yoad_seo_4As I hope you already know, Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen are two well-respected physicians on the cutting edge.

In fact, their # 1 New York Times bestseller YOU: On A Diet comes on the heels of their # 1 YOU: The Owner’s Manual: An Insider’s Guide to the Body That Will Make You Healthier and Younger.

By the way, previously, Dr. Roizen also interviewed me for his radio YOU: The Owner’s Manual Radio Show on the Health Radio Network.

Anyhow, I need to thank Renee of for the heads-up about SUGAR SHOCK! being listed on

You see, thanks to a Google Alert, I found out that Renee was nice enough to post a positive review of SUGAR SHOCK! on her blog. (Thanks, Renee!)

Well, at the bottom of her item, Renee posted a few links, which I followed, and lo and behold, I landed up at, only to find out that SUGAR SHOCK! has been featured!

Don’t you just love how following clicks a few times on the Internet is, in some ways, akin to a treasure hunt except the "prize" is that you’re mentioned? Well, that’s how I see it.

You see, lately, now that SUGAR SHOCK! has been published, I’m finding mentions of my book on sites all over the World Wide Web.

Incidentally, it’s thanks to Google Alerts that I know about some of these SUGAR SHOCK! citations. (If you’re not familiar with this service, you absolutely must learn about it. It’s the best!)

Anyhow, if you haven’t purchased SUGAR SHOCK! yet, I invite you to do so.

Wondering what people think of the book? Check out a few of the reader raves the book has been receiving.

For instance, listen to the following four comments I received:

Readers Rave About SUGAR SHOCK!

"Reading Sugar Shock! is a watershed event. To sum up Connie’s book in a word: WOW! No other book I’ve read on it (starting with Sugar Blues) has motivated me to get off the junk even though I’ve felt tired, humiliated, lackluster and FAT for years now and have had the blues and out-of-control sugar cravings. …"THANK YOU, CONNIE, FOR HAVING WRITTEN THIS BOOK! It has the potential of being on the cutting edge of saving millions of lives. That is not an exaggeration, in my opinion. I wrote a review on Amazon, and this book deserves more than the usual five stars, that’s for sure. …Disclaimer: LOL, no, I don’t know the author and am not being paid for this endorsement. But it’s that good. I haven’t had many life-changing and life-saving books, but this is definitely one of them."
— Pat

"Stopping sugar stopped my pains and mood swings. …I am a distance study student of Natural Health Institute, Canada. I became one basically, because I was puzzled at all my bodily pains (joints, muscles, bones) my mood swings and my low energy ALWAYS by 4PM. I am 56 years old. After researching about sugar and finding out about your book, I eliminated sugary products and desserts from my diet. After only a month, I am a different person — no aches, no pains, no mood swings, no low energy…and a happy and proud owner of your SUGAR SHOCK! book… Thank you Connie. Bless your effort to reach out to people and tell them about sugar’s problems."
— Edna, the Philippines

"Great book! It is a masterpiece. As an organic chemist and author of Health Myths Exposed, I found the book to be one of the best written books on the subject — and all other subjects relating to health! Way to go…I can tell you worked your ass off! Thanks for the effort!"
— Shane Ellison, M.Sc., author, Health Myths Exposed

"I’m LOVING your book! Thanks for writing it. It is already making a difference in my life. I am taking it to show my integrative medicine M.D. next week!"

If you feel hooked on sugar, SUGAR SHOCK! is for you. This book, I’m convinced, can wake you up to sugar’s dangers and give you valuable tools and tips so you can finally break free of your habit. So get the book now on Amazon or on