SUGAR SHOCK Sneak Peek Countdown: Foreword by Dr. Nicholas Perricone

Art_nperricone_a_120x120Our Sneak-Peek Countdown until SUGAR SHOCK! hits bookstores continues again today.

For today’s quick preview of my book, I need to express my profound thanks to renowned bestselling author Dr. Nicholas Perricone, who was gracious enough to provide the foreword to my book.

Well, already in early 2002, a year into my efforts on this book, Dr. Perricone was tremendously supportive of my efforts to spread the sour news about sugar’s dangers. Because of that, I’m incredibly grateful to this board-certified and research dermatologist, who’s regarded the "Father of the Inflammation Theory of Aging."

In fact, on the wall of my office, you can find a note dated Dec. 20, 2002 from Dr. Perricone’s colleague Anne Pellaro. The e-mail states: "Yes, Dr. Perricone will provide a foreword to your book."

At the time, I was so excited that I taped it to my wall, and now, nearly four years later, the memorable e-mail is still there to remind me of Dr. Perricone’s tremendous encouraging boost.

Anyhow, Dr. Perricone’s fascinating foreword begins with this blunt summation:

"Sugar and foods that convert rapidly to sugar in the bloodstream are toxic."

Dr. Perricone quickly explains:

"This very basic fact has been at the core of every book I have written, beginning with The Wrinkle Cure and continued in The PerriconePrescription, The PerriconePromise, The Clear Skin Prescription, and The Perricone Weight Loss Diet. 

"You may be asking yourself how something as American as apple pie could be regarded with both fear and loathing. The answer is simple. Sugar and high-glycemic carbohydrates are pro-inflammatory—that is they create an inflammatory response in the body. My decades of research have shown that chronic, sub-clinical inflammation is the single greatest precipitator of aging and age-related diseases. These include diseases as diverse as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, certain forms of cancer, obesity, unwanted weight gain, loss of muscle mass, and wrinkled, sagging skin."

The generous doctor then goes on to provide an explanation that helps you understand this book:

"This inflammation takes place on a cellular level and exists in all of our cells.  It does its harm by triggering free radicals, which accelerate aging by damaging cells—leading to their eventual breakdown. Unfortunately, this inflammation is invisible to the naked eye—we can’t see it or feel it until it is too late, and the damage is done. Many factors can trigger inflammation, including eating a pro-inflammatory diet; stress; environmental stressors such as air pollution, pesticides, herbicides, etc.; weakened immune system; excess exposure to ultraviolet light; and hormonal changes. However, I believe the primary cause is diet—with stress running a close second."

Intrigued? Pre-order SUGAR SHOCK! now.