Tom’s Sugarfree Success Story

ON SUGAR: “Sugar is a way of self-medicating. When I was eating sugar, I was tired all the time, crabby, irritable, sad, depressed, forgetful, anxious, mentally confused, nervous, exhausted and hopeless about life. Sometimes I had heart palpitations and muscle pain. I didn’t feel like being social. I sat at home a lot and watched TV and binged on sugar. I just complained about life but did nothing to change it. I couldn’t relate to anyone, and I felt that everyone was against me. I wasn’t happy with life.”

MOST EMBARRASSING SUGAR MOMENT: “The time a fellow sugar-addicted friend and I made and drank Bailey’s milkshakes right BEFORE we threw a dessert party with champagne and six desserts.”

TIP ON BECOMING SUGARFREE: “If you’re getting off sugar, you might want to think about going into therapy. Perhaps you’re turning to sugar to escape from your life – which isn’t how you want it to be.”

SUGARFREE BLISS: “Now, I’m happy and calm most of the time. I’m even-tempered and much more sociable. I’m willing to try new things and take risks. I get out more and laugh about almost everything. I’m much more social at work, and I can handle life without freaking out or getting completely depressed. I have better, clearer thoughts and ideas. It’s great.”

– Tom J., 40, Austin, Texas

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