Woman’s World Features Me in Full-Page Article in the Feb. 6 Issue (It’s the One Where Oprah’s On the Cover)

More exciting media news. I’m pleased to announce that Woman’s World has a full-page story about me in the Feb. 6, 2007 issue. The article is entitled, "Need sweets to get through the day?"

What can I say? It’s a bit surreal to see my sad-turned-cheerful sugar story told — in color no less!


The creative, clever reporter, Amy Oscar — who I had the pleasure of meeting in person at this wonderful event, The National Publicity Summit — did an amazing write-up, in which she sought to capture the flavor for my sugar-addicted days back in 1998. (Golly, was it really that bad for me nearly a decade ago? Hard to remember because I was eating so much red licorice, hard candies, and sugary chocolate! LOL!)

The astute Amy wraps up her article by clearly conveying how I turned my life around by kicking the sweets and processed carbs that were causing my many ailments. She then concludes with a mention of my book SUGAR SHOCK!:

"With a new outlook, she wrote Sugar Shock! to help other women [and men] feel better, too. "Kicking sugar changed my life," says Connie. "What could be sweeter than that?"

By the way, when you see the Woman’s World piece by Amy Oscar, check out the really fun photo from the talented photographer Steve LaBadessa, who worked with me for a couple of hours to illustrate the joy I now have from living a sugar-free life.

Wondering how to find the Woman’s World article? Here’s a quick tip for you. My story is in the Feb. 6 issue, in which a picture of Oprah is on the cover.

Just look for the issue with the headline, "The hot new diet OPRAH loves!"

Talk about wonderful coincidences. You see, the story about this "hot new diet" (which is on pages 18 and 19) sings the praises of YOU: On A Diet, the new book from co-authors Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Well, both Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen have been incredibly wonderful to me and quite supportive of SUGAR SHOCK!

For starters, Dr. Oz — who knows Dr. Stephen Sinatra, the contributing author for the book — endorsed SUGAR SHOCK! After laying some groundwork and receiving permission to send the manuscript in late June, a few weeks after I received the following e-mail directly from Dr. Oz with the following message:

"Nice work. Here is a quote.

"Connie’s work spills the beans on the shocking impact of simple carbohydrates  on aging and quality of life — a double whammy for humanity."

Anyhow, stay tuned for more exciting news related to Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen.

3 thoughts on “Woman’s World Features Me in Full-Page Article in the Feb. 6 Issue (It’s the One Where Oprah’s On the Cover)

  1. Connie this is just wonderful news — both for you and for getting the word out about the effects that sugar can have on our health and well being. Congratulations! You’ve done just as good a job marketing and publicizing this information as you did in writing Sugar Shock!

  2. I am seriously bummed. I went to my local Border’s today and they did not have your book. I guess I’ll have to look around some more. If not, there’s always Amazon.
    Note from Connie: Did you ask Border’s to order it? Can you write back and let me know which Border’s this was? It should be in stock at bookstores nationwide.

  3. My dad died of diabete-related heart disease at age 56. It is sad to think how many loved ones die prematurely or live a blighted life because of sugar addiction.
    I now do community wellness programs to heighten awareness about these critical concepts – that you so picturesquely explain.
    Thanks so much.
    Bonnie Church
    Wellness Educator
    Boone, NC

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