What can you do on a holiday weekend or any time a relative, friend or neighbor urges you to eat her or his specially prepared [chocolate cake, brownie or whatever] “treat,” which is so tempting?
How can you muster up the strength to resist that enticing “goodie” that’s full of sugar, processed flour, salt or fat, which you’re now craving?
Just get in a receptive mode to let your cravings be your teachers. When you allow your cravings to speak to you — and you listen — you’ll get tremendous power.
So here’s an Easy Trick to Turn Down Sugar Pushers:
First, Delay: First, when a relative, friend or neighbor urges you to “Just try my [piece of pie, cake, cookies or fill in the name of the junk food],” just say, “Oh thank you so much for offering. This looks delicious.” Then add, “Right now, I need to run to the restroom.” Then dash off quickly.
Next, Dawdle: While in the rest room, dawdle for one to five minutes. Take your time to do your bathroom business. Wash your hands twice. Fix your hair or your makeup, if you’re a woman. Do some stretches or belly-tightening exercises either in the bathroom stall or in front of it. Boogie to a tune on your iPod. (If you have no music, just hum your favorite tune.) When you dawdle like this away from the tempting “treat,” you’ll feel more power and determination to stick to your healthy eating plan. Once you leave the restroom, if dessert is served on the table, take more time. Then learn something new about your dining companions on both side of you. And if dessert is offered on a buffet bar, just stay away and talk with people elsewhere.
Third, Discover: While you’re in the restroom, far from temptation, do a short discovery process. Ask yourself, “Do I really want this [junk food] or am I just worried about hurting [so-and-so’s] feelings?” Next, ask yourself, “How will I feel tomorrow if I have some of this [fill in the name of the dessert or snack food]?” Really get into the awful feeling you’d have the next day. Think about how discouraged, frustrated and angry at yourself you’d be. This is the one time I find that negative feelings can actually be constructive and productive over the long haul.
Finally, Delight: Then top off your process with deliciously sweet feelings. I’m not talking about food, or course. Just think about how when you stay away from temptation and do nothing, you’ll feel so powerful, positive and in control. Recognize that your simple “No thank you” or simply walking away from temptation is a super-simple way to take positive, health-promoting action. In short, simple inaction is simple positive action.
That’s all you need to do to be more powerful than well-meaning Sugar Pushers.
Not only that but when you Delay, Dawdle, Discover and Delight, you’ll take pride in yourself quickly — within minutes!
You’ll be so glad that you put off this short-lived, self-defeating, immediate gustatory gratification in favor of a long-term positive outcome.
Tell your friends and loved ones about this powerful Delay, Dawdle, Discover and Delight Process.
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