Sugar at “Safe” Levels Can be Deadly

sugar can be deadlyInevitably, the damning research about sugar keeps pouring in.

Indeed, another study reveals sugar’s deadly dangers — even when consumed in “safe” amounts.

Talk about scary.

The mice died more often, as shared by
Science Daily. Not only that, but they had fewer babies.

For the study, University
of Utah researchers gave mice a diet of 25 percent extra sugar and ran a
sensitive toxicity test. (When you give a mouse 25 percent extra sugar, it’s the equivalent of a healthy human diet, plus three cans of soda daily.)

Although the mice didn’t become obese, the females on the
sugar-added diet died at twice the rate of the control group. In addition, the males on the sugar-added diet produced 25 percent fewer offspring than
the control group and acquired fewer territories, according to a
University of Utah news release.

“These findings represent the lowest level of sugar consumption shown to adversely affect mammalian health,” states the study abstract, published today in the journal Nature Communications.

Does this finding scare you enough to make you want to quit sugar?

If so, I invite you to get help in my latest book, Beyond Sugar Shock: The 6-Week Plan to Break Free of Your Sugar Addiction & Get Slimmer, Sexier & Sweeter. I’m honored that this book, from Hay House, has been praised by a Who’s Who of health and empowerment experts,
including Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and Dr. Daniel Amen.

If you get Beyond Sugar Shock, let me know what you liked most about it.