How Your Cell Phone & EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields) May be Harming You

Arcs of Radiation Did you that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can be quite hazardous to your health and that of your children?

I invite you to learn more by watching this panel about electromagnetic radiation at Columbia University Law School.

The panel was comprised of health advocate, Camilla Rees, founder of; attorney Whitney North Seymour, Jr., a co-founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council, and Martin Blank, PhD, of the Dept. of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University, a widely published scientist in the field.

Wireless Hazards Panel – Columbia University Law School from ElectromagneticHealth.Org on Vimeo.

Learn more and the dangers of EMRs and how to protect yourself  on my upcoming Gab with the Gurus Show with Kerry Crofton, Ph.D., author of Wireless Radiation Rescue — safeguarding your family from the risks of electro-pollution

2 thoughts on “How Your Cell Phone & EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields) May be Harming You

  1. Thanks for this post. It is proven fact that electro magnetic radiation from cellular is caused how much harm to our health and now this video proved that it is really going to affect in a worse way.

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