My ABC’s to Break Free of Sugar & Other Bad Habits (Babits™)

Freedom Have you seen my video yet on YouTube, in which I shared My ABC's to Break Free of Your Sugar Habit and Other Bad Habits?

Here's a companion article to give you more information and tips to release your bad habits or what I call babits™.

My ABC's to Break Free of Your Sugar Addiction & Other Bad Habits by Connie Bennett, CPC, CHHC

If you’re like most people, you’re often tempted by gorgeous, mouth-watering, nutrient-poor “treats”—dazzling donuts, colorful cereal or buttered bagels—and other bad habits such as excessive coffee-drinking, negative thinking, procrastinating and obsessive texting. 

As I mentioned on my companion YouTube video, It's certainly understandable if you feel tempted. Wherever you go and wherever you live, you’re inevitably bombarded by unhealthy foods, substances, thoughts and activities.

But I invite you to look inside and decide: Do you feel trapped or imprisoned by your sugar habit or other bad habit (what I call a babit™)?

And are you plagued by baffling health issues such as annoying weight gain, ferocious headaches or even type 2 diabetes?

I’m here to reassure you. You can escape from the prison of a bad habit.

In fact, I respectfully challenge you. Get out from under your sugar habit or other babits™ so that you can have a life that rocks!

You may be wondering WIFY (What's In It For You?) if you overcome your bad habit. You can benefit in many ways!

You can get more energy, concentrate better, lose weight, become more productive, enjoy better relationships and so much more. And, as many clients have delightedly shared with me, if you cut out sugar and refined carbs, you even may be able to boost your libido!

So let me share my Double ABC’s to Break Free of Your Sugar Habit & Other Bad Habits (or what I call Babits™).(In my companion YouTube video, I share some of these tips. You'll find more here.)

A is for Assume & Accept.

Just assume and accept that just about wherever you go, you’ll be tempted.

Your favorite aunt will nudge you to eat her favorite chocolate cake. You have to pass that vending machine at work. And no matter what, you’ll be taunted by candies galore while purchasing sundries at the local drug store. 

But if you prepare for temptations—ones way more unhealthy than apples in the Garden of Eden—you can be prepared and always have healthy snacks on hand such as edamame (soy nuts), pumpkin seeds, hard-boiled eggs and sugar-free crackers or an apple (preferably organic) with almond butter.

B is for Breathe & Bless

Whenever you’re confronted by sugary foods, just breathe before you do anything. 

Breathe away your sugar desire. Next, breathe with gratitude that you can still breathe, because if you continue over indulging in sweets and refined carbs, your breath may get cut short by obesity, cancer, type 2 diabetes and other sugar-induced illnesses. Finally, set a timer and just focus on your breath for at least 10 minutes before you stick anything unhealthy into your mouth or if you do anything else self-destructive.

Now bless your habit. Sure, you may think that’s a little touchy-feely. But indulge me, please. Think about it. Your habit could be just what you NEED to jumpstart your growth.

When you confront your bad habit, you can grow, thrive and heal. Your bad habit is your springboard to a new life. It can move you to a better place. Besides, usually when you break a bad habit, whether it’s sugar or cigarettes, you’ll get much healthier and trimmer.

In other words, your bad habit isn’t a problem—it is an incredibly opportunity. When you make that kind of brain switch, you're taking a valuable first step to kicking your habit.

C is for Choose & Connect

Now, I invite you to realize that you can choose. You see the greatest freedom we have as human beings is the ability to choose.

First, choose to learn about the dangers of your bad habit, whether you’re hooked on sugar, coffee, diet soda, cigarettes, wine or video games.

Get on the web. Read some books. (I invite you to check out my book, SUGAR SHOCK! if sugar is your challenge.) Now find out how your habit may be cutting your life short and making your life less enjoyable.
Next, choose to stop consuming empty-calorie, nutrient-lacking, fake foods, drinks and activities. In other words, stop treating your body like a garbage can.

Instead, choose real, colorful, nourishing, fiber-rich foods which demonsrtate that you are treating your body with love, respect and compassion. And make sure to choose nourishing activities such as reading books like Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life  or Cheryl Richardson’s The Art of Extreme Self-Care.

When you choose quality foods and thoughts, you’ll get more energy, concentrate better and be happier and healthier.

Finally, it’s time to Connect.

To refresh your memory, here’s your action plan to help you begin to release your unhealthy habits and practices.

  1. Do my ABC’s to Break Free of Your Sugar Habit & Other Bad Habits (Babits™).
  2. Make sure to connect with other people committed to kicking their habits. 
  3. Connect with us at Facebook ( and on my Sugar Shock Blog (

I  have complete faith in you even if you don’t have faith in yourself. You can break free of your sugar addiction or other bad habit.

I politely challenge you now. Start your new life today. Let me assure you. You can have a much sweeter life without refined sweets and other bad habits (babits™).

When you cut loose from your habits, you free up lots of time and energy so that you can lead a happier, healthier life—one in which you accomplish your goals and dreams.

I hope to see you soon at on Facebook ( And please let us know your thoughts here, on my Sugar Shock Blog (, about this article. Does it help you?

Please watch my companion YouTube video now in which I not only share The ABC's to Break Free, but I have fun sharing my sad-to-sour sugar tale, and if I succeeded in my intention, I entertain you at the end and even make you laugh. 

Please note: Special thanks to Hay House for inspiring me to finally do a video to help you. FYI, this video was created for a special contest for attendees of a recent Movers & Shakers conference.

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