Testimonials for Connie

Readers often write to me. And frankly, they make my day!

How heartening it is to hear that my books and programs are helping people.

Here are a few comments I’ve received from people.

“I LOVE your book and recommend it all the time! See my Amazon review here: “I stumbled upon this book one day and was shocked when I began to read the first few pages. I felt as if this author was writing MY life story!!! The more I read, the more amazed I was. Connie Bennett not only did her homework to write this book, she lived it! I would have never made the sugar/mood connection had I not read this book. I used to think that sugar and refined flours were harmless in moderation, but now I realize that “some” of us really can’t afford to indulge even a bit in this luxury. I completely credit the book Sugar Shock and Connie herself for changing the way this ex-sugar junkie now lives a completely different lifestyle! My pms/anxiety mood problems have completely stopped. I wish I would have read this book 20 years ago. I have no doubt my life would have been much different! Thank you, Connie!”
Lori from Pittsburgh

“Hi Connie,  Purchased your book about a year ago and can say I no longer eat sugar. I feel 100% better and have never been able to keep my weight off until I stopped all sugars. Thank You!! I would love to see you come out with another book maybe a cookbook or items in the grocery store to purchase and what to avoid. Thanks again.”

Note from Connie: Linda, stay tuned for upcoming projects.

“Thank you so much for your book, Sugar Shock. For 56 years I was addicted to sugar and refined carbs, working my way up to 335 lbs. I became diabetic, had no energy, ached all over, and had menstrual problems on and off. Suddenly two years ago, I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. I went through a total hysterectomy, chemo, and radiation, and am cancer-free. After my experience I found a wonderful program that taught me all the wonderful concepts you cover in your book, plus I learned about natural hormone balance. I now eat healthily, have lost 95 lbs., feel better than I did at 20, have boundless energy, and people tell me I look younger every day. It”s a miracle, but it takes work and loving myself enough to make the changes I wasn”t willing to before. We need to make this knowledge more available so that people can learn to take their health into their own hands. I am confident that living healthily will keep me cancer-free and loving life more each day. Thank you for letting me share my experience.”
—Amy, Minnesota