Experts, Authors & Sugar Kickers Support The Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge

Quotes are starting to come in from supporters of The Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge, which takes place virtually around the world on both my Gab With the Gurus Radio Show on Jan. 16 at 12 p.m. Eastern and via tantalizing tweets on the new TwitAsYouQuit site (from 12 noon Eastern on Jan. 16 to 12 p.m. on Jan. 17).
Check back here to this Sugar Shock Blog and to my three-week-old Gab With The Gurus Blog to get updates about this first-of-a-kind event that I’m presenting with Dr. Scott Olson, a naturopathic doctor and author of Sugarettes.
Hyla_cass_big2 “Many so-called mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, insomnia, addiction and even bipolar illness have a strong relationship to blood sugar imbalance, caused by eating–you guessed it, sugar! These often-serious conditions can be overcome by eliminating sugar, eating a healthy diet, and taking specific supplements, as needed. I have helped many of my patients and readers replace medication using this natural approach, with excellent results!….”
– Hyla Cass M.D., integrative psychiatrist and author of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health and Natural Highs
“As a Certified Nutritional Microscopist (live & dried blood analysis, trained by Dr. Robert O. Young), I have seen the devastation caused by the fermentation of sugar in the body. You see, sugar will either burn as a fuel (because you have enough oxygen present) OR since our body has limits to how much oxygen we can intake… sugar that cannot have oxygen to be able to burn will ferment which increases ACIDITY considerably. ”
– Rick Panson, Certified Nutritional Microscopist, Raw Food Creator of Raw Jaw Foods & Water Filtration/ionization Consultant

FDA Finds Fault With Diet Coke Plus’s “Misbranded” Label & Nutrition Claims

It’s a given that diet soda isn’t a healthy drink.
But the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finally woken up.
The governmental agency — which allows nutrient-lacking, potentially harmful diet drinks on the market in the first place — is now berating Coca-Cola’s new Diet Coke Plus because it’s “misbranded.”
The governmental agency, which posted a warning letter on its website, finds fault with the soda company’s use of the word “Plus” as part of its name and label. What’s more, Diet Coke Plus doesn’t meet the FDA’s criteria to make a nutrient content claim.
I generally don’t applaud FDA actions — after all, I’m not a fan of nutrient-lacking diet drinks containing aspartame, Splenda, etc. — but this time I’m behind the FDA for berating Diet Coke Plus for being marketed as “a good source of vitamins B3, B6, and B12 and the minerals zinc and magnesium.”

High Fructose Corn Syrup Can Harm You, Like Sugar

I continue to be alarmed by the onslaught of so-called “information,” which suggests that high-fructose corn syrup is not responsible for obesity and that it’s not as bad as sugar.
In fact, I’m worried by the idea that “the tide of research, if not public opinion, has shifted,” as Elizabeth Weise suggests in a USA Today article, “New data: High-fructose corn syrup no worse than sugar.”
Get the truth, please, about the potential harms of high-fructose corn syrup, which you can learn from my two recent Gab With the Gurus Radio Shows — including this radio show, which featured several experts, and this radio show (listen to the last 15 minutes), which presented another well known expert, Dr. Richard Johnson, author of The Sugar Fix: The High Fructose Fallout That Is Making You Fat and Sick.
If you dig even a little bit into this subject, you’ll find that the average American does NOT consume moderate amounts of high-fructose corn syrup. If you’re eating or drinking prepared, processed or fast foods — which is what most Americans do — you’re taking in high amounts of the stuff. And all that HFCS can lead to numerous health problems, including heart disease, cancer, obesity and much more. (For that matter, too much sugar (or sucrose) is dangerous, too, as I reveal in my book SUGAR SHOCK!)

Stevia Approved for Use in Soft Drinks, Etc…. But How Safe & Natural Will It Be?

After years of only allowing it to be sold as an herbal supplement and deeming it unsafe for foods and drinks, the FDA changed its mind and approved the use of the naturally sweet herb Stevia in various beverages from Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, as you can learn from NaturalNewscom, CBS and TreeHugger.
In other words, drinks sweetened from Reb A, derived from the stevia leaf, now have GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status.
This FDA action, according to The New York Times, will allow Cargill to market Truvia from Coca-Cola and PureVia from PepsiCo — both products using rebiana, an extract from the stevia plant.
But the Center for Science in the Public Interest thinks the decision was rushed and does not take into account that it was inadequately tested for cancer and other potential health problems.

L.A. May Slow Onslaught of Fast Food

Jennifer Moore for SUGAR SHOCK! Blog The Planning and Land Use Committee of the Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved a proposal […]