Ellen DeGeneres Kicks Sugar! Join Her!

Ellen DeGeneres deserves a hearty congratulations goes to you for making it to Day 3 of kicking sugar.
Please join me in thanking Ellen for drawing the attention of millions to the need to cut sugar out of their lives.
Hang in there, Ellen: I predict that soon, you’ll get benefits galore. Expect to get more energy, find it easier to concentrate, painlessly shed a few pounds and maybe even be funnier — though I can’t fathom how that’s possible, because you’re already so hilarious!
Also, thank you, Ellen, for pointing out that we need to bring sweetness into our lives. So true! Interestingly, I like to point out — as I do in talks and as I did in my book SUGAR SHOCK! — that life is much sweeter without all sugar and refined sweets.
Friends and readers of this Sugar Shock Blog, join Ellen in her kick-sugar quest!
Learn how to Be a Part of the Show here.
For those of you who seek to kick sugar, I invite you to get lots of tips and FREE STUFF at my website to help you release your habit.

Doctors Group Gets Intimate With Coke

Have you heard yet that the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) — which is dedicated to helping everyone attain "optimal health" […]

Candy-Chomping Kids Commit Crimes as Adults

Can eating too much candy on a daily basis make you commit crimes?
If you’re planning on passing out candies to trick-or-treaters on Halloween, read this first.
Kids who eat candy and other sweets daily may be more likely to be arrested for violent crime as adults, according to a new British study, which you can read about on MSNBC and other organizations.
Curiously, this startling study was published soon before this widely accepted sugar-giving holiday, in the October issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry.
Researchers from Cardiff University in the United Kingdom, headed up by Simon Moore, Ph.D., a senior lecturer in the Violence and Society Research Group, looked at data from the British Cohort Study of more than 17,000 children born in 1970 in the U.K.
Studying the data of four decades, Dr. Moore and his colleagues found that 69 percent of those children who ate candies or chocolates daily at age 10, were later arrested for a violent offense by age 34, the AP reported. Of those who didn’t commit any crimes, 42 percent ate sweets daily.

Sugar: The Bitter Truth With Dr. Robert Lustig

If you haven’t quit indulging in sugar and refined carbs, then you must see this informative, eye-opening, scary presentation from the nationally renowned Robert H. Lustig, M.D., professor of Clinical Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology Director of the Weight Assessment for Teen and Child Health (WATCH) Program at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF).
I predict that you’ll get shocked into taking action — i.e., removing sugar from your life for good.
Watch now and learn why he rightly believes that “high fructose corn syrup and sucrose are both equally bad — they’re both poison.”
Incidentally, as I posted here, on the Sugar Shock Blog back in 2006, Dr. Lustig is a forward-thinking researcher, who made the news (in the San Francisco Chronicle) for his theories about our poisoned food supply.
Get ready for some fascinating information about:
* What he calls “The Coca-Cola Conspiracy.”
* How we have an epidemic of obese six-month olds.
* How the average person is consuming way too much sugar. (FYI, his figure of 141 pounds of sugar per year is too low — it’s really closer to 170 to 190 pounds per person.)
* The amount of sugar found in baby formula. (A lot! Of Similac Isomil, which contains 43.2% corn syrup solids and 10.3% sugar (sucrose), Dr. Lustig says, “It’s a baby milkshake.”
See his replies here to some questions.Listen now or anytime.

Are You Drinking Yourself Fat? New Yorkers Urged to Quit “Pouring on the Pounds”

The next time you think of grabbing a soda, sports drink, fruit-flavored beverage, lemonade, punch, Snapple or other sugary drink, just imagine lards of fat spewing out.
If “Yuck!” is your response to this disgusting, fatty image, then the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will have accomplished its mission.
Indeed, thanks to a brilliant, new “Are you pouring on the pounds?” campaign from the city’s health department, many subway riders are being confronted via posters (some 1,500 in all), which alert them to the consequences of their sugary beverage consumption.
I’m thrilled by this bold move to shock New Yorkers — especially overweight and obese ones — to action by spreading the message, “Don’t drink yourself fat.”
As more and more New Yorkers are becoming obese, a hard-hitting, in-your face approach is exactly what’s needed to wake people up to sugar’s dangers.
“Just trying to be positive and encouraging doesn’t always get people’s attention,” New York Associate Commissioner Geoff Cowley told the Daily News. “If you get in people’s faces a bit, that does get people’s attention.”
It’s also smart, I believe, for York health leaders to state what’s so patently obvious to those of us who are sugar experts.