3 Ways Gratitude Helps

It’s now officially the week to be grateful (at least in the United States.) But of course, no matter where you live, […]

Low Blood Sugar Today Could be Diabetes Later

Did you know that if you have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) today, it could turn into type 2 diabetes tomorrow — well, maybe not tomorrow, but five, 10, 20, 30 years from now?
But what if you were able to prevent that from happening? Better yet, what if you could Thrive Sugar-Free for 20 Years after you were diagnosed with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)? How would you mark the occasion?

What the Heck Should You Eat?

Join us on the Gab with the Gurus with Dr. Hyman, who will tell you what foods to eat; how the food industry plots to make you a “a heavy user”; how you’re being fooled by so-called healthy foods; how to save money eating healthily and more.

Blogging for 15 Years!

Wow, it’s my blogiversary. For 15 years now — ever since 2005, two years before publication of my first book, Sugar Shock […]

Lyme Disease Symptoms

Are you suffering from headaches, fatigue, night sweats, sore throat, swollen glands, back pain, blurred vision, vertigo or depression? And do you […]

IMPORTANT: Learn about Lyme Disease

Every year, some 300,000 people, especially those, who hike in nature or whose dogs frolic in deer-popular wooded areas come down with […]