The Power to Wow with Lynn Rose

Today, for Follow Friday, I want to introduce you to the marvelous, magnetic, mesmerizing Lynn Rose. I urge you to learn more […]

Low Blood Sugar Today Could be Diabetes Later

Did you know that if you have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) today, it could turn into type 2 diabetes tomorrow — well, maybe not tomorrow, but five, 10, 20, 30 years from now?
But what if you were able to prevent that from happening? Better yet, what if you could Thrive Sugar-Free for 20 Years after you were diagnosed with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)? How would you mark the occasion?

How to Reverse Fatigue: Your 3-Step Plan to Feeling Awesome: Guest Post by By Yuri Elkaim

Note from Connie: Today, it’s my pleasuret to present a guest post from my colleague Yuri Elkaim, author of the new book, The All-Day Energy Diet.
Join Yuri and me tomorrow, when he joins my Gab with the Gurus Show to tell you how to get more consistent, steady energy. Remember, as with all of my shows, you can listen live or later.
600px_The-All-Day-Energy-Diet1 jpg speedilic ic Z0S9KqP__GHow to Reverse Fatigue by Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, RHN
If you’re tired most of the time, then it means your body is crying for help. Low energy is a warning sign that something inside your body isn’t quite right.
Considering the amount of sickness and “overweightness” that has now engulfed our world, it’s no surprise that more and more, people are feeling exhausted.
What’s important for you to know is that when you improve your energy, you improve your health.
The most common question I get asked is, “Yuri, what’s the #1 thing I can do have more energy?”
Thankfully, the answer to that question is easy to answer. And it has nothing to do with shots of espresso or sugar-filled treats.
The secret to fatigue-proofing your body (and raising your overall level of health) boils down to optimizing what’s going on inside your body.
Yuri ElkaimLet me explain…
Each of us is at war, and we don’t even know it. The private war we each wage is a daily assault on our body by acid-forming foods such as alcohol, animal products, and refined sugars, as well as by bacteria, virus, fungus, yeasts, and molds.
We have entered what might be referred to as critical mass when it comes to this onslaught being waged against us by stronger and stronger killer bugs and poorer and poorer food choices.
Our immune systems are becoming weaker and over-taxed in this war. Even the medical profession’s first line of defense, the antibiotic, is becoming less and less effective against resistant new strains being created daily as the bacteria mutate.
Since Louis Pasteur discovered the germ theory of disease stating that germs are the cause of disease, time has corrected him. Even Dr. Pasteur himself noted in his dying words: “The germ is nothing, the environment is everything.”
The environment referred to in Dr. Pasteur’s statement is known as our biological terrain and refers to the health of our “internal” environment.
A major determinant of our internal health is the acid-alkaline balance within many of our body’s fluids, namely our blood.
Our blood is alkaline by design and acid by function – meaning that it produces acid as a function of metabolism. Maintaining proper alkalinity is therefore essential for life, health, and vitality.
Under ideal alkaline conditions, the red blood cells (RBCs) within our blood are able to deliver energy-producing oxygen to our cells. However, an imbalance of alkalinity creates a condition whereby our RBCs begin to clump together, making it more difficult for them to reach their ultimate destination and drop off that much needed oxygen to our cells.
And if your blood is sluggish, you will be, too.
Leading biochemists and medical physiologists have recognized pH (or the acid-alkaline balance) as the most important aspect of a healthy (and energized) body. They have long known that the maintenance of an alkaline pH in the tissues and cells is critical to our health.
For instance, Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize recipient, was the first to show that cancer cells cannot grow in alkaline environments.
Unfortunately, for most people, current lifestyle habits have created highly acidic bodies. The standard western diet is characterized by an overindulgence of all types of foods and drinks that disrupt our blood’s ideal pH balance. As a result, we feel less than ideal as we go through our days.
So how can you make your body (your blood really) more alkaline to stay healthy and energetic? Here are a few simple steps you can take immediately:
Eat and drink more greens. Green vegetables are the greatest source of alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and they deposit a large alkaline load in the body. They are pure energy, and they also give your body tremendous amounts of vital nutrients. The easiest way to benefit from their powers is to enjoy a fresh-pressed green juice or homemade smoothie at least once per day.
Limit your caffeine consumption. I know this might be tough, but caffeine is a huge contributor of acid and provides unnecessary stimulation in your body. Other than the quick “artificial jolt” that it produces, chronic reliance on this stimulant taxes your adrenal glands (which are needed to help you cope with stress) and wreaks havoc on your blood sugar levels, both of which affect how you feel throughout the day.
Start your day with a glass of freshly squeezed lemon water. Lemon, although acid in nature, is alkaline-forming inside the body. It is also highly beneficial for cleansing your liver, the organ responsible for filtering toxins that circulate in the body. Happy liver, happy body.
Apply these simple steps and you’ll be well on your way to having more energy from the time you wake up until you call it a day.
Here’a one quick recipe to help you on your way:
Sprout Salad
Makes 2 servings
3 cups sprouts (broccoli sprouts, alfalfa, lentils, etc.) 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Splash of lemon juice
Pinch of sea salt
Fresh ground black pepper
Combine sprouts and tomatoes in a bowl.
Whisk all other ingredients together. Combine vinaigrette with sprout mixture and serve.
Yuri Elkaim is a holistic nutritionist, fitness expert, and author of The All-Day Energy Diet. He is known for helping people enjoy all-day energy and amazing health in a very short period of time without radical diets or gimmicks. He’s on a mission to transform the lives of more than 10 million people by 2018. For more visit
Note from Connie: Remember to catch Yuri this week when he comes on my Gab with the Gurus Show to tell you how to get more consistent, steady energy. (As with all my Gab with the Gurus Shows, you can listen live or later.

Why We Overeat: The Toxic Food Environment & Obesity

Join the Conversation. What is your biggest Ahah! from this video, “Why We Overeat: The Toxic Food Environment and Obesity”? Talk to us now.
Do you or your loved ones overeat? Have you or your family members been gaining unwanted excess weight? Are you concerned about our obesity crisis?
To gain insights into why two-thirds of people are getting fatter and fatter and sicker and sicker, I urge you to watch a video of this fascinating panel discussion, “Why We Overeat: The Toxic Food Environment & Obesity,” thanks to the Harvard School of Public Health and the Huffington Post.
I’m so excited that I came across this video while doing research for my next book, Tame Your Crazy Cravings™.
This program presented an illustrious panel, which included:
Walter Willett, Chair, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, and Fredrick John Stare Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition
David Kessler, Former Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of California San Francisco; and Author, The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite
Dariush Mozaffarian, Associate Professor in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School and
Michael Rich, Director, Center on Media and Child Health, Boston Children’s Hospital
The modferator of “Why We Overeat” was moderated brilliantly by Meredith Melnick, Editorial Director for HuffPost Healthy Living.
This program has many fascinating points, and I urge you to watch through it for the entire time.
In particular, I urge you to pay attentiont to these fascinating comments from Dr. Mozaffarian:
“Now sugar, I agree that sugar is a problem, but sugar is no greater a problem and then totally unsweetened refined grains. And the worry I have about just focusing on sugar, it gives the refined grains, it gets them off the hook.
“So white bread, all refined cereals that have no added sugar at all, they say zero sugar on the panel, those are just as bad. And when we’ve looked at populations of hundreds of thousands of people, the weight gain associated with Skittles is exactly the same weight gain that is associated with Corn Flakes or white bread or a bagel. So to think that a bagel, that has no sugar, is different than candy is really misleading. …”
Also, I invite you to keep watching to check out the second video (at 59:00) from the HBO film, Weight of the Nation, .where you can discover which beverages contain the most sugar content, thanks to The WATCH Nutrition Clinic.
I’d love to hear what you think about this video.
Join the Conversation. What is your biggest Ahah! from this video, “Why We Overeat The Toxic Food Environment & Obesity”? Talk to us now.

Confessions of a Health Expert: Special Thanks to Sean Croxton

We’d like to hear from you. What is your Big Confession? It feels great to do! Join us! Together, let’s move on to create a glorious life. Talk to us now.
Last week, before heading out of town to hang out with some fellow health experts, I made what I consider My Big Carb Confession.
I finally came clean about how for months after my Mom passed away, when I was walloped by grief, anguish and symptoms of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), I quit walking my clean carbs talk.
What a relief it was to finally admit that I’d had a relapse! That freed me up to plunge into my big plans.
Indeed, admitting to you that I had flopped has now unleashed a new enthusiasm and excitement in me to serve you. In fact, not only am I back to eating cleanly (and have been for a year), but I’m also working on an exciting new book to help you Tame Your Cravings™.
In case you missed My Big Carb Confession, here’s a summary of what I shared:
After my mother died, for months, I did lots of what I now call Heartbreak Eating™ or Heartbreak Bingeing™ of refined carbs, as well as salty cheeses and oily nuts. (FYI, this wasn’t just emotional eating. Heartbreak Bingeing — which is fueled by colossal,gut-wrenching, profound pain caused by huge loss, abuse, or even betrayal — is far more intense, frenetic, and frantic than emotional eating.)
Although I cavorted with carbs in a big way — shoveling in movie popcorn, onion rings, and corn nuggets — I did, however, continue to steer clear of my old sugary favorites, which I’d quit in 1998, as I reveal in my books, Sugar Shock.and Beyond Sugar Shock.
My Heartbreak Eating had led me to pack on 20 extra pounds. .
What’s more, for months, due to the intensity and ferocity of my grief, PTSD, and anguish, I kept ignoring what I know well, which is that processed carbohydrates quickly convert to sugar in your bloodstream, which is why, for years I’ve been calling them quickie carbs, fast carbs, culprit carbs and much-like-sugar carbs.
In short, all those fast carbs I’d been inhaling had been sending me flying in and out of Sugar Shock, or more accurately, Carb Shock. Hence my many symptoms of depression (and how!), mood swings, crying spells (lots of them), insomnia, and big brain fog.
Of course, grief over the loss of a loved one is tough enough to face, but when you eat crappy carbs, you exacerbate your many ailments, which is what happened to me.
Anyhow, for about a year, I’ve been back to eating cleanly, thanks to lots of healing work and workshops, including grief counseling, therapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), energy work and many cool tactics, which I’ve created or discovered to help me confront those Crazy Carb Cravings™.
I’m also happy to report that I’m close to my weight loss goal. I’ve shed 18 of the 20 pounds I gained doing Heartbreak Eating, and I’m now working off the additional inches to get back to my previous slim, toned figure.
Making My Big Carb Confession.was a huge deal for me. I was embarrassed to admit that I fell offf the wagon and that I was no longer doing what I encourage others to do.
Sen Croxton UW For months, I’d been thinking about coming clean about my carb relapse.
That’s why I need and want to thank the amazing Sean Croxton, whose Confessoins of a Health Blogger post finally gave me courage to make My Big Carb Confession.
I urge you to get on Sean Croxton’s mailing list. Sean is a passionate health and fitness professional, who is dedicated to revolutionizng the way the world thinks about health.
His Underground Wellness videos and Underground Wellness Radio are quite popular, and I encourage you to listen to these exciting programs, where you can catch Sean interview such top names in health and fitness such as Paul Chek, Mark Sisson, Dr. Robert Lustig, Julia Ross, and Cynthia Pasquella..
Anyhow, thank you, Sean, for inspiring me to join you in making My Big Carb Confession.
We’d like to hear from you. What is your Big Confession? It feels great to do! Join us! Together, let’s move on to create a glorious life. Talk to us now.

Low-Carb & Weight-Loss Dream: The NoOodle or The Miracle Noodle with Glucomannan

Do you crave pasta but are worried about all the carbs?
Meet shirataki, the traditional Japanese food I recently discovered, thanks to vegetarian chef Sarah Nee, who uses it to create an amazing Organic Coconut Kelp Noodle dish. Yummy!
If you haven’t yet tasted this calorie-free, fat-free, gluten-free noodle, you’ve been missing out on a great food.
Sold on varying websites such as The NoOodle or The Miracle Noodle, it is the ideal weight-loss food for people, who are seeking to restrict sugar, calories, and carbs.
Often called konnyaku noodles, these traditional Japanese textured noodles are thin, chewy, translucent, gelatinous, and have almost no flavor by themselves.
Super low in carbs with zero calories, their key ingredient is a water-soluble dietary fiber called Glucomannan, which is derived from the root of yam-like Konjac plant grown in Japan and China.
Pasta lovers 001If weight is an issue with you, this food is your ally. In fact, Shape Magazine called Glucomannan The Weight-Loss Supplement Dr. Oz Loves.
But weight loss is only one of its many virtues. Not only does this food help you shed weight, but it is highly versatile.
For instance, you can create Chicken Vegetable NoOodle Soup. Or you can make Primavera NoOodle and Mama Mia Marinara. (If dairy is an issue, I recommend skipping the Parmesan cheese).
Split-Pea-Dal-Soup-with-Miracle-Noodle-Rice-Spinach-and-TomatoesYou also could try Split Pea Dahl Soup with Miracle Noodle Rice, Spinach, and Tomatoes.
Manufacturers of this versatile product note that this zero-calorie, low-carb food has many benefits.
For instance, according to the NoOodle company website, their product allegedly:
Delays hunger and lowers calorie uptake. Glucomannan in NoOodle increases the viscosity of gastro-intestinal content and extends the feeling of fullness so one doesn’t feel hungry for a longer period of time. It also reduces rate of food absorption in the small intestine.
Promotes satiety. Glucomannan is made up largely of water, which fills one up quickly, making you feel satiated..
Modulates glucose spikes. Glucomannan — which has been clinically proven to be more effective than xanthan gum and psyllium — reduces the rate of glucose absorption in the small intestine and prevents blood glucose from spiking.
Modulates insulin surges. Glucomannan slows glucose uptake in the small intestine, reducing the body’s need for insulin.
Cholesterol reducing agent. Glucomannan allegedly traps the cholesterol from foods, as well as the cholesterol released by the body, preventing it from being re-absorbed.
Helps with regularity. Water-soluble Glucomannan prevents constipation by increasing bulk in the colon without the discomfort associated with most other dietary fibers.
Anti-inflammatory. “The positive effect of Glucomannan on skin inflammation is well known among its users,” the NoOodle website notes.
Prebiotic activity. Serves as food for bacteria in the colon and helps enhance immunity.
Meanwhile, the Miracle Noodle website makes this promise:
“Just by replacing one meal per day with our noodles will significantly raise your needed fiber intake and dramatically lower your total calorie intake.”
These claims appear to have some validity. In fact, weight-loss and cholesterol-reducing properties in Glucomannan (given in capsules) have been clinically demonstrated in a double-blind study among obese patients. But the food supplement isn’t nearly as fun or tasty as the noodles.
By the way, please note, as the Shirataki Noodles website suggestst, you may want to be cautious.
“If you’ve never eaten shirataki noodles before, try a small amount initially to ensure you won’t experience any stomach or intestinal distress. Shirataki noodles are different from common types of foods in a western diet, and sudden changes in diet patterns or sensitivity to ingredients in the noodles can in some cases trigger sickness and an upset stomach.”
Do you have recipes for the NoOodle, Miracle Noodle or any variety of Shirataki Noodles?
Please share your recipes now.

Sugar Shock Blog Has New Banner/Logo to Include Beyond Sugar Shock

I’m pleased to announce that the Sugar Shock Blog just got a new banner.
It now includes the cover for both my first book, Sugar Shock, and my upcoming book, Beyond Sugar Shock, which comes out in June from Hay House.
Both book covers convey that you can first discover the sour news about sugar (Sugar Shock) and then get a simple, empowering six-week program to Break Free (Beyond Sugar Shock).
By the way, I invite you to learn about the exciting recent endorsements received from such amazing peoople as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Bryan Tracy, Marci Shimoff, and John Assaraf.
In addition, my next book has been praised by such sugar gurus Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (Beat Sugar Addiction Now), Dr. Richard Johnson (The Sugar Fix), Jeff O’Connell (of Sugar Nation fame.
Learn more here about other endorsements.
Stay tuned also for exciting news about Beyond Sugar Shock Book Launch activities.
Anyhow, what do you think of the new banner? Let us know.

Launch Your Product or Business with Michael A. Stelzner

Do you have a product or business that you’d like to build quickly and steadily?
If so, I urge you to listen to this Gab with the Gurus Radio Show that I conducted last year with social media guru Michael A. Stelzner after the release of his book, Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition.
This interview is fascinating!
I’m re-listening to it get ideas on how to promote my next book, Beyond Sugar Shock.

Gab with the Gurus Presents Experts Galore for 3-Year Anniversary

This week marks the three-year anniversary of my show, Gab with the Gurus on BlogTalkRadio.
Here is a press release now being distributed about the show.
World-Renowned Sleep Doctor Dr. Michael Breus, Love Expert Lauren Frances, Emotional Wellness Guru Deborah King, Social Media Wizard, Mike Stelzner Begin Celebration of Gab with the Gurus Three-Year Anniversary
Experts Regularly Empower Listeners Around the World on the Gab with the Gurus Show
NEW YORK–Starting week, world-renowned “Sleep Doctor” Dr. Michael Breus, love coach Lauren Frances, emotional wellness expert Deborah King, spiritual leader Marianne Williamson, and social media wizard Mike Stelzner appear on the Gab with the Gurus Show (, which is celebrating its three-year anniversary.
The Gab with the Gurus Show—which is hosted by internationally recognized speaker, bestselling author, journalist, and Freedom Coach Connie Bennett—regularly presents internationally acclaimed guests, who are bestselling authors, celebrities, and recognized experts from a variety of fields.
Gab with the Gurus guests give worldwide listeners valuable, life-changing information about a variety of subjects, including health, fitness, wealth, social networking, business development, self-help, personal empowerment, the Law of Attraction, business, blogging, social networking, relationships, human potential, self-growth, celebrities, and more. The show–which airs on the acclaimed–also features popular TV and film stars, as well as best-selling fiction writers.
“Every week, we’re pleased to present internationally recognized gurus and celebrities, who are here to educate, empower and motivate listeners to Get a Life That Rocks™,” says Gab with the Gurus founder and host Connie Bennett.
“Each guest gives listeners one or more simple tips that are easy to implement immediately,” adds Bennett, who normally hosts the Gab with the Gurus Show every Wednesday at 2 pm EST.
As part of the three-year-anniversary celebration for the rest of the month, Gab with the Gurus shows will air every weekday at 2 pm EST. (Most shows are live interviews.)
People from around the world can listen to Gab with the Gurus Show on BlogTalkRadio several ways:
Listen live at 2 pm EST on the BlogTalkRadio site,, or download later, a podcast
Listen after the show airs on Bennett’s blog,
Later, on the Gab with the Gurus Facebook fan page, and also Bennett’s Smart Habits Fans page
Download or subscribe via iTunes at
During the Gab with the Gurus three-year anniversary celebration this month, these best-selling authors and world-renowned experts are scheduled:
Transformational teacher Marianne Williamson, author of A Course in Weight Loss
Love coach Lauren Frances, author of Dating, Mating, and Man Handling
Deborah King, emotional wellness expert and author of the new book, Be Your Own Shaman
Happiness and love expert Marci Shimoff, author of Happy for No Reason and Love for No Reason
Social media wizard Mike Stelzner, author of the new book, Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition
“Sleep Doctor” Dr. Michael Breus, author of the new book, The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan
Renowned love expert Dr. Diana Krischner, author of the new book, Sealing the Deal
Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Media, a social media marketing firm and author of new book, Likeable Social Media: How to Delight Your Customers, Create an Irresistible Brand, and Be Generally Amazing on Facebook (& Other Social Networks)
Stress Relief Expert Lauren E. Miller, author of 99 Things You Wish You Know Before Stressing Out
Positive change advocate Brian Vaszily, author of the new book, The 9 Intense Experiences
World-renowned Lauren Mackler, author of the new book, Soleness: Master the Art of Aloneness and Transform Your Life
The late “Grandfather of Fitness” Jack LaLanne (this is a replay of a previous show)
Equinox Group Fitness Manager Mark Hendricks on the value and fun of exercising
Michael Port, author of Book Yourself Solid and the Think Big Manifesto
And more

The Dark Side of Sugar

Learn more about the Sour Side of Sugar in this fascinating article on from reporter Laurie Stoneham.
FYI, I’m one of the experts quoted in this story, “The Dark Side of Sweet: Sugar is everywhere and it may just be killing you.”
Read this important article on DailyRx now.
Then, tell us: Does this article help inspire you to quit the stuff — or at least reduce your consumption?
If you’re stumped as to how to let go of your sugar habit, join me next Thursday week in a free teleseminar.
Sign up here for the program, Fast-Track Secrets to Release Your Sugar Addiction & Shed Excess Weight.
Now, tell us why do you want to quit your sugar addiction?