Help for You: Got Questions? What Would You Like to Know?

I’m here to serve you and to help you lose weight, kick sugar, become healthier, boost your energy and much more.
But in order to best help you, I need to know what you want to know.
What kinds of information, tips, etc. would you like about about sugar, refined carbs and getting healthier?
And what would you like me to include in my next book, The White-Out Diet?
Let me know now so I can best help you.

Slipped? Destroyed Your Diet? 7 Tips to Get Back on Track

Often, whenever I give a talk, I hear from people who started eating sugar again and who wanted some guidance. Here’s an article I wrote to help them — and you — if you fell off the no-sweets wagon.
Slipped? Destroyed Your Diet? 7 Tips to Get Back on Track
By Connie Bennett, CHHC
Did you fall off the diet wagon? Did you eat foods you promised to forego? Are you upset with yourself for “stupidly” eating sugary or fast-acting carbs?
Time and time again, my clients and readers of my book SUGAR SHOCK!complain to me about how they stumbled and fell down yete again. They desperately want to know how to get out of their muck and kick sugar, refined carbs and other horrible habits — and for good this time.
Here are 7 tips to pick yourself up and get back on track and finally succeed.
1. Be gentle with yourself. If you slip and forego your good intentions, this is not the time to berate and belittle yourself. Instead use this “mistake” to lavish yourself with compassion, understanding and sympathy. Yes, you messed up, but your’re human so give yourself a break!
2. Accept that you’re imperfect. People with food issues and unhealthy habits often tend to expect themselves to get everything exactly right–or perfect. That sets you up for a huge letdown. Now that you’ve slipped, use this as a chance to claim your humanity, which means you’ll make mistakes from time to time. Owning up to your limitations can be quite freeing.
3. Consider this a golden opportunity to start again. Instead of viewing your falling off the wagon as the most horrible dieting disaster or other fatal error that never should have happened, regard your slip as a chance to begin anew. You see, whenever you make a so-called “mistake” such as this, this could be exactly what you need! Think about it: Aren’t you always more psyched when you begin a project?
4. View your slip as a learning experience. Falling off the no-sugar, no-coffee or no-more-late-nights wagon could be just the instructive incident that you need to to break out of your habit. So be thankful (yes, you heard me right — thankful!) that you “sinned” and ate those junk foods, swigged caffeine like it was going out of style or burned the midnight oil. Now study yourself dispassionately like a lab rat to see just how much damage you caused yourself by slipping. Doing so will enable you to develop deeper resolve to boldly move forward with conviction and finally succeed.

Food Diary Forms for You: Keep Track & Your Weight Will Disappear

Keeping a food journal is a quicker way to weight loss, as I mentioned here and often remind my clients. To help you peel off those pounds, I’m providing you with a special food diary.
I encourage you to print out many copies of this page and then track yourself like a lab rat all day long. Just imagine that you’re a scientist watching the behavior of your beloved animals.
Feel free to share this Ultimate Food Journal© with friends, co-workers, gym buddies, bosses, hairdressers, fitness trainers, loved ones and frenemies. In short, spread the link love, as some say.
Sugar & Fake-Sugars Food Tracker: The Ultimate Food Journal©
Name ________________________________________
Date _________________________________________
What did I eat and drink? (Any sugary foods or drinks? Any refined carbs? Any artificial sweeteners?) How did I I feel? Was I physically or emotionally hungry? (On the 1st line, state what you ate. On the 2nd line, jot down how you felt — really hungry, angry, lonely, frustrated, furious, stressed out, etc.)
7 a.m. _______________________________________________________________
7 a.m. _______________________________________________________________

Help Me to Help You — The White-Out Diet Will Be In Your Hands Jan. 2010, Helping You, If You Spread the Word Now

Special Announcement:
Greetings, wonderful, savvy people,
Today, exactly 11 years since I first kicked sugar and refined carbs and got a better life.
And today, I’m launching an unusual pre-book-deal, marketing campaign.
The economy is prompting me to do something really different so that I can get a book deal for my next book, The White-Out Diet, which I know could help many.
Please see this email (below), which I just sent to members of my mailing list.
If you can help, I’d really, really appreciate it!
Anyhow, my goal is to help millions, and I think I can, but I need wonderful people like you to spread the word! Please read on.
Thanks in advance ever so much! See letter below.
Warmly and gratefully,
Subject: Help me, please… The White-Out Diet, my next book, is coming with your help — benefits galore
Dear [Your Name Goes Here],
Would you like to lose weight for good,
banish fatigue, boost your energy, feel and look
more youthful, get more oomph in the bedroom and
build a life of passion, purpose and pizzazz?
Well, The White-Out Diet, my next book
(the follow-up to SUGAR SHOCK!), is intended to help YOU
achieve ALL of that — and more.
This book, I hope, will come out in January 2010.
But here’s the catch: I need your help so that this book
will become a reality and be available to you through bookstores,
libraries and online retailers.
You see, while this fun, easy-to-read,
friendly, compassionate book can help
you in so many ways, these challenging
economic times are prompting me to
rely on you.
Let me explain.
Like all other industries, the
publishing industry has been hit
by the economic downturn.
Publishers are tightening their belts and making less acquisitions.
So my literary agent explains to me.
More importantly, major publishers only want to make book
deals with people, who are household names
— movie stars, TV personalities, celebrities and so on.
And publishers only want authors with a “Big Platform”
— this means millions (or least hundreds of
thousands) of followers, fans and friends.
Therein lies my challenge.
While editors at publishing houses loved my White-Out Diet
concept and my background as author of an acclaimed
book (SUGAR SHOCK!) from a major publisher (Berkley Books,
part of the Penguin Group), their enthusiasm was dampened
because I’m not a household name — yet.
And while I do have a Big Platform,
it’s not big ENOUGH — yet.
But I’m determined to get The White-Out Diet published so it can help you.
So I realized that it’s time to put the Law of Attraction into action.
And I’d be grateful to you for any help you can give to make this happen.
The White-Out Diet is a great book, and it deserves to be in your
hands next January, 2010, so it can help you.
Ultimately, this challenge presents an
incredible opportunity.
It’s time for me to become pro-active,
creative and what I call “author-preneurial.”
I’m even planning some outrageous, exciting activities
to drum up the necessary attention in The White-Out Diet, because
I KNOW this book can really enhance, improve and change your life.
(Got any clever, out-of-the-box marketing and promotion ideas? Know any celebrities?
Please share this info with me
ASAP, but privately.)
So would you be kind enough to act now (spending only about a
minute or two) to support the campaign to get The White-Out Diet
into the hands of people who need it?
Act now, please. Just go here: